10.2" 8000MAH Battery Android 2.2 Froyo 512MB 4GB/8GB FlyTouch 3 SuperPad 3 ePad WiFi

To Dylanlewis2000,

As a rough guide to delivery times, Johnierw's took 6 days to the US.
I'm in Australia and ordered mine on the 3rd June and it's in Sydney now (Mascot's the airport) , I live about 2.5 hours away from Sydney so I should get it tomorrow or the next day. So about 5-6 days too.
I think delivery to the UK should be similar.

Mascot, Australia 06/06/2011 10:28 A.M. Import Scan
06/06/2011 1:22 A.M. Registered with Clearing Agency / Shipment submitted to Clearing Agency
06/06/2011 1:22 A.M. Registered with Clearing Agency
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 06/05/2011 7:20 P.M. Departure Scan
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 06/04/2011 8:32 P.M. Export Scan
06/04/2011 8:32 P.M. Origin Scan
Hong Kong 06/03/2011 6:09 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Kind regards,
I can't believe how fast they ship!! Good luck hope you like yours as much as I do mine!!
To Dylanlewis2000,

As a rough guide to delivery times, Johnierw's took 6 days to the US.
I'm in Australia and ordered mine on the 3rd June and it's in Sydney now (Mascot's the airport) , I live about 2.5 hours away from Sydney so I should get it tomorrow or the next day. So about 5-6 days too.
I think delivery to the UK should be similar.

Mascot, Australia 06/06/2011 10:28 A.M. Import Scan
06/06/2011 1:22 A.M. Registered with Clearing Agency / Shipment submitted to Clearing Agency
06/06/2011 1:22 A.M. Registered with Clearing Agency
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 06/05/2011 7:20 P.M. Departure Scan
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 06/04/2011 8:32 P.M. Export Scan
06/04/2011 8:32 P.M. Origin Scan
Hong Kong 06/03/2011 6:09 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Kind regards,
Johnierw what did the box look like ? does it actually say flytouch 3. I read that there are a lot of "knockoffs". I am looking to buy the same one you bought, seems like a good tablet if its a real flytouch. The support on the fourms are good for the real product. Sometimes the knockoffs dont react the same way as the real deal when trouble shooting etc. thanks in advance.

Sorry about the crappy pics.
Arrived today and this is what you get.

Nowhere on the box does it say anything about being a Flytouch 3. The marketing refers to an "eTouch" multiple times tho. It also says it has Android 2.1, but further down is says it has 2.2...

Besides the standard stuff for these tablets the specs on the back of the box say :

10.1" diagonal - 1024 x 600px widescreen.
1.0Ghz LNX Code 11 processor
4GFlash NAND (Mine has 8G)
Android 2.2
8000mA Battery.

Hope this answers your question Randyj.
I've literally had this for 5 minutes so I'm off to play :)
zoo, you rock. thanks for the picts. seems it may not be a "real" flytouch 3, however who cares if its trouble free ? I certainly dont. keep us posted when you have a chance and lets us know how its runs!
Good Pic's Zoo! That is exactly what my box looks like!
View attachment 2677View attachment 2678

Sorry about the crappy pics.
Arrived today and this is what you get.

Nowhere on the box does it say anything about being a Flytouch 3. The marketing refers to an "eTouch" multiple times tho. It also says it has Android 2.1, but further down is says it has 2.2...

Besides the standard stuff for these tablets the specs on the back of the box say :

10.1" diagonal - 1024 x 600px widescreen.
1.0Ghz LNX Code 11 processor
4GFlash NAND (Mine has 8G)
Android 2.2
8000mA Battery.

Hope this answers your question Randyj.
I've literally had this for 5 minutes so I'm off to play :)
RandyJ don't quote me on this, but from what I have read alot of the "flytouch" models listed are made by one or two manufacturers over in China (most are rebranded). Thats my guess but, I just looked for what looked like a good processor and alot of memory and the touch screen on the one I have is actually better than the Coby Kyros 8024 I recently returned. Anyways good luck hope you get a good one please advise!!
Johnierw what did the box look like ? does it actually say flytouch 3. I read that there are a lot of "knockoffs". I am looking to buy the same one you bought, seems like a good tablet if its a real flytouch. The support on the fourms are good for the real product. Sometimes the knockoffs dont react the same way as the real deal when trouble shooting etc. thanks in advance.
OK guys and gals!! Not real happy right now I was able to get an APP to tell me I'm running 800mhz instaed of 1 ghz and also I got 1 GB Memory and not the 8GB I paid for :( So now the emails have been sent lets see if it does any good

Now that Zoo straightened me out all is better!
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All flytouch run at 800Mhz and ppl are working on firmware to get it to 1Ghz as we speak. I'll try to find a link later for you. http://www.********/apadforum/showthread.php?240-Compare-your-CPU-Frequency Look down the bottom (was 2 months ago tho...) So I guess they are still looking.

As for the 1G, it should be an 8G card in there, it's just the workaround they use so ppl don't complain that they can't get apps from the market with the market bug. The market is a bit weird for some tablets as it can't work out what phone you have (because you are using a tablet) and it will think your out of memory (to store apps) if you have more then 2G of free space.

You should find that the micro sd you have is in fact 8G, it's just formatted smaller.

I put on Tims4e rom last night and I can see all 8G. Hope this helps.
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Thanks Zoo! I was getting a little disgruntled to say the least! Glad you straightened me out! :) Do I have to format my internal memory to get the 8GB, or is that what the Tims4e is for??

Thanks for the links and the "brackets" LOL
Tims 4e does reformat your card. I've only tried that one so I can't say about the others. I've read that alot of people like Tims 4a too, still not sure why.

I'm amazed at how well this little tablet plays videos and youtube. Whereas the UI and a few small, non graphic games seem to lag a bit.
Great Zoo thanks!! Now formatting that card does not affect my operating system does it?? I'm a PC guy so I am thinking this is my operating system memory?? And with TIMS 4E where can I get that and does it format while still in the tablet??

Thanks loads!

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! My son dropped my brand new tablet!!! Screen looks like a spider web (but works)!! Ordered a new one from China grabber <$40 hope it ships fast!!:mad:

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