Add phone capabilities to your tablet (UPDATED 7-2-14 This Method Still Works!)

Hello there Probbie. I am new to the tablet scene and have purchased a wm 8650 android tablet. I've actually had it for a bit; but have a 6 yr old 3 mo old and a ft job so rarely have the time to play with it like I had initially hoped. I saw your thread here and was amazed! It's frigging awesome that you people have the know how along with open heart to discover things like this and share them. I might try to utilize this on my tablet; but before I do that; my bday was recent and I received a pair of blue tooth wireless headphones. Now I know when I was digging around in my tablet I found blue tooth files and thought I saw a2dp file but am not sure. I have not rooted my tablet or anything like that yet. I'm a lil scared of doing these things to it and have never done anything like this with other gadgets. If you have any info to help me utilize my awesome wireless head phones it would be a life saver!!! I recently dropped my expensive at&t phone and went to straight talk. Cheaper but the phones are a lil blahzay. Thanks for your time!!
Thanks for the great informational post. I recently purchased the wifi only version and it seems that voice has been disabled. I followed your instructions, got a good ipkall number on the first attempt and already had a callcentric account. I can place a call, GV call free completes the process and the called party answers. My problem is that I have no outbound audio although I can hear the called party just fine.

Any suggestions? I am willing to root the device but am not sure what rom if any would give me voice capabilities.

I actually stated this issue in my write up. If your using csipsimple over wifi just go into settings and turn stun on. that solved the problem for me.
Hello there Probbie. I am new to the tablet scene and have purchased a wm 8650 android tablet. I've actually had it for a bit; but have a 6 yr old 3 mo old and a ft job so rarely have the time to play with it like I had initially hoped. I saw your thread here and was amazed! It's frigging awesome that you people have the know how along with open heart to discover things like this and share them. I might try to utilize this on my tablet; but before I do that; my bday was recent and I received a pair of blue tooth wireless headphones. Now I know when I was digging around in my tablet I found blue tooth files and thought I saw a2dp file but am not sure. I have not rooted my tablet or anything like that yet. I'm a lil scared of doing these things to it and have never done anything like this with other gadgets. If you have any info to help me utilize my awesome wireless head phones it would be a life saver!!! I recently dropped my expensive at&t phone and went to straight talk. Cheaper but the phones are a lil blahzay. Thanks for your time!!

if your tablet supports bluetooth that would be awesome for you but i know of some tablets having bluetooth files but the actual hardware isnt there. so it just depends on your tablet
nope that has worked for me on every device i have tried it on you could try changing the stun that might work
Hey Probbie.

Thanks for the intel here. I am following your steps using a Galaxy TAB and I hit a snag with Step 4 "install express talk" It is no longer in the Android market and the website they have only shows a Windows and Mac download. I am trying to use 3CX as and alternative, but there is no input for SIP stuff. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Hey Probbie.

Thanks for the intel here. I am following your steps using a Galaxy TAB and I hit a snag with Step 4 "install express talk" It is no longer in the Android market and the website they have only shows a Windows and Mac download. I am trying to use 3CX as and alternative, but there is no input for SIP stuff. Please advise. Thanks in advance.

your right express talk is just for the computer and all what that does is makes it easier to verify your google voice number. But what you can do if you dont want to have to use a computer for the set up, you can use csipsimple or sipdroid and set that up first and then google voice will call your tablet through that to verify your number
your right express talk is just for the computer and all what that does is makes it easier to verify your google voice number. But what you can do if you dont want to have to use a computer for the set up, you can use csipsimple or sipdroid and set that up first and then google voice will call your tablet through that to verify your number

So I would completely skip step 4 os use csipsimple for step 4? If I do the latter, how does that effect the csipsimple settings in step 6. That's confusing for me and I'm an intelligent guy!
So I would completely skip step 4 os use csipsimple for step 4? If I do the latter, how does that effect the csipsimple settings in step 6. That's confusing for me and I'm an intelligent guy!

Might I also suggest you update the steps and clarify step 4. There was no hint that the "express talk" only works on a PC until I went to their site. Also step 5 talks about the verification process, but since I am trying to do this on a tablet, there is catch-22 here since a newbie following step 4 is gonna get hung up there. See what I mean?
good points but if people would just take more time to read through the steps and figure them out they dont have a problem
Updated! Got it working. My Galaxy TAB is now a fully functioning VOIP device that can send and receive calls over WI-FI or 3G.

I add the following tweaks and comments to Probbie's original instructions that is the parent of this thread.

Probbies' Original instructions in BLACK. My updated info and/or comments are in RED. Be sure to do all the pre-steps he lists before beginning below.

To make and receive calls:

Step 1- Download all the required apps and software.
For Clarity, I grabbed;
1.) Csipsimple from Android Market CSipSimple_0.00-15-13-tls.apk - csipsimple - CSipSimple dev build for 0.00-15-13 with TLS - Project Hosting on Google Code
2.) Google Voice callback free found in Android Market or Google Voice call free found here gvfree.apk
3.)Dialer One found in Android Market or DialerOne_v1.2.3.apk - dialerone - Dialer One v.1.2.3 - Project Hosting on Google Code
4.)Google Voice from Anrdoid Market or an older version can be downloaded here I recommend the old version

Step 2- Sign up for Callcentric
Go to and sign up for a free account. Once done, you should get an e-mail stating;

***Please do not respond to this automated message, you will not receive a reply***

You signed up for a Callcentric account. This email is being sent to verify your email address.

To continue please click on the following link:


Click on the link and then you'll land on the page showing your callcentric number. Write it down here:___________________________________

Step 3-
3a.) Sign up for IPkall , for sip number/name type in your callcentric number.
3b.) For sip proxy type in the rest is self explanatory look at image below for a visual.
3c.) Just a heads up when adding your ipkall number to Google voice you may get a message saying this number is on other Google voice accounts. This is no big deal just cancel your ipkall account and sign back up until you find a number that Google voice will let you use. So you might have to do this step a few times.

IT TOOK ME 8 times to get a valid number from So be patient. This was done best by doing this on my laptop with multiple browser tabs open to the various sites involved. Don't use your Tablet or you'll get frustrated quickly. Each time I got a new number from, I got an e-mail. When I entered the number from the e-mail, Google Voice said it was in uses. I logged back into ipkall and cancelled the account, then re-started the process again. This took 8 attempts.

Step 4- Install express talk, (THIS IS ONLY FOR COMPUTERS NOT ANDROID DEVICES) when you get to the screen that asks you if you have a sip number click yes and then on the next screen for name type in whatever you want, for server type , for sip number type in your callcentric number , for password type in your callcentric password. The other parts of the installation are pretty simple but if you need extra help there are pictures here ImageShack Album - 5 images.

I got tripped up here. Since these instructions are for getting phone capabilities working on your tablet, I was got confused here since Express Talk is NOT for Android devices. Thanks Probbie for clarifying this for me and others here. So then, is there a step 4? Well yes, this step is a pre-cursor to testing your IPkall number with Google Voice. For this step, just make sure you have installed the Dialer One app from Android Market.

Step 5- Register your number with Google voice for this use your IPkall number (not your callcentric number) name it ipkall to keep track of it, type in your number and for phone type select mobile deselect receive text to this phone then click save. Google voice will then pop up with a verification window with a two digit number click verify. Google voice will call your number and if you did the first 4 steps right it should ring to express talk on your computer, answer it and when it asks for the two numbers type them in. The nice lady will then tell you your Google voice is activated.

I named mine after my Google Voice ID. Just a preference thing. I did write down all the numbers and ID's and stuff on a hard copy of Probbie's instructions. That was very helpful.

Step 6- Set up sipdroid or csipsimple. Go into settings and set up an account you can name it anything you want, for username use your callcentric number, for password use callcentric account password, for server/ proxy use I personally use csipsimple it just seems more user friendly and seems to work better but that’s just my opinion

I used csipsimple, it was a lot easier to setup.

Step 7- Set up Google Voice free call. For user name, use the Google email that your Google Voice number is activated with and password use the password for that account. Then for call back number type in your IPkall number and don’t forget the 1 in front. Then set it to use Google voice to make all calls (make sure to click apply) .

Step 8- Set up Dialer One app, go into settings- advanced settings- dtmf and change it to 50

Step 9- Test it. Use another phone to call your Google voice number, if you did everything right you should receive a call. Then try calling someone if you did it right, GV free call will place a call to you, you answer it and then it will call the number you dialed, they will see your Google voice number.

To send and receive texts:
Set up the Google voice app, it will walk you through but when it gives you an option to pick numbers pick your IPkall number. If you just want a number to send and receive text messages on your tablet for free get a Google voice number and install the older GV version app it will let you set it up with your Google talk account (the new one won’t let you)

I can send a text out, no problem. I receive texts into my gmail inbox. Repling to the txt that Google kindly puts into my inbox, also works flawlessly. The receiver gets the txt and the caller ID is my Google Voice numbner.

When making a voice call, make sure the very top of your screen shows the telephone SIP icon or calls will not initiate. Just this morning I found that Gvoice callback has a setting you can turn on that will "Start CSipSimple before callback." There have been a couple of times that the SIP icon was not there at the top of my display, thus calls would not initiate. Having checked this option that appears in the External Apps section of the settings for Google Voice callback, I will see if that issue goes away now.

When making an outbound call, you'll get a screen with the large Android Icon along with a green and red unlock/lock button. Swipe the green unlock and your outbound call will then initiate. You'll see some pop ups from Google Voice talking about initiating a Google Voice callback. Works perfect! You may also here a

Google Voice also has a feature to port your cell phone number for $20. Once I get my Jawbone Idol Blue Tooth earpiece (my boss had one and I verified it paired up), I will port my Straight Talk cell number and ditch the phone altogether.

Why do this;
I like the whole smart phone concept, but not the smartphone bill or near $100. Because I am NOT going to use my Tablet to watch movies and TV or stream music (Unless on a Wi-Fi), the nice lady at the store used her handy dandy data plan calculator and figured a basic $20 a month 1GB data plan would suit me nicely. So for $20 a month I have an oversized Android VOIP phone (7 inch form factor).

Downside, you can't where this on your hip, so for some this will be a serious issue. For others that don't want to spend $1200 a year for a smart phone, like me, this is a trade-off they are willing to accept.

One last note, if per chance you still can't get this to work, try Skype. That also worked perfect. I used Skype before I had this setup just to test the Blue Tooth headset my boss had. I had a Motorola that would not pair up, the Jawbone Icon did and 2 way communication over the Jawbone was successfully tested via Skype.

Skype now has subscriptions that are dirt cheap, less than $5 a month! Also, you can now reserve a phone number in Skype for around $2 a month. With that key part, non-skypers can 'call' your Skype number and it should ring on your TAB (unverified).

Have fun!
Updated! Got it working. My Galaxy TAB is now a fully functioning VOIP device that can send and receive calls over WI-FI or 3G.

I add the following tweaks and comments to Probbie's original instructions that is the parent of this thread.

Probbies' Original instructions in BLACK. My updated info and/or comments are in RED. Be sure to do all the pre-steps he lists before beginning below.

To make and receive calls:

Step 1- Download all the required apps and software.
For Clarity, I grabbed;
1.) Csipsimple from Android Market CSipSimple_0.00-15-13-tls.apk - csipsimple - CSipSimple dev build for 0.00-15-13 with TLS - Project Hosting on Google Code
2.) Google Voice callback free found in Android Market or Google Voice call free found here gvfree.apk
3.)Dialer One found in Android Market or DialerOne_v1.2.3.apk - dialerone - Dialer One v.1.2.3 - Project Hosting on Google Code
4.)Google Voice from Anrdoid Market or an older version can be downloaded here I recommend the old version

Step 2- Sign up for Callcentric
Go to and sign up for a free account. Once done, you should get an e-mail stating;

***Please do not respond to this automated message, you will not receive a reply***

You signed up for a Callcentric account. This email is being sent to verify your email address.

To continue please click on the following link:


Click on the link and then you'll land on the page showing your callcentric number. Write it down here:___________________________________

Step 3-
3a.) Sign up for IPkall , for sip number/name type in your callcentric number.
3b.) For sip proxy type in the rest is self explanatory look at image below for a visual.
3c.) Just a heads up when adding your ipkall number to Google voice you may get a message saying this number is on other Google voice accounts. This is no big deal just cancel your ipkall account and sign back up until you find a number that Google voice will let you use. So you might have to do this step a few times.

IT TOOK ME 8 times to get a valid number from So be patient. This was done best by doing this on my laptop with multiple browser tabs open to the various sites involved. Don't use your Tablet or you'll get frustrated quickly. Each time I got a new number from, I got an e-mail. When I entered the number from the e-mail, Google Voice said it was in uses. I logged back into ipkall and cancelled the account, then re-started the process again. This took 8 attempts.

Step 4- Install express talk, (THIS IS ONLY FOR COMPUTERS NOT ANDROID DEVICES) when you get to the screen that asks you if you have a sip number click yes and then on the next screen for name type in whatever you want, for server type , for sip number type in your callcentric number , for password type in your callcentric password. The other parts of the installation are pretty simple but if you need extra help there are pictures here ImageShack Album - 5 images.

I got tripped up here. Since these instructions are for getting phone capabilities working on your tablet, I was got confused here since Express Talk is NOT for Android devices. Thanks Probbie for clarifying this for me and others here. So then, is there a step 4? Well yes, this step is a pre-cursor to testing your IPkall number with Google Voice. For this step, just make sure you have installed the Dialer One app from Android Market.

Step 5- Register your number with Google voice for this use your IPkall number (not your callcentric number) name it ipkall to keep track of it, type in your number and for phone type select mobile deselect receive text to this phone then click save. Google voice will then pop up with a verification window with a two digit number click verify. Google voice will call your number and if you did the first 4 steps right it should ring to express talk on your computer, answer it and when it asks for the two numbers type them in. The nice lady will then tell you your Google voice is activated.

I named mine after my Google Voice ID. Just a preference thing. I did write down all the numbers and ID's and stuff on a hard copy of Probbie's instructions. That was very helpful.

Step 6- Set up sipdroid or csipsimple. Go into settings and set up an account you can name it anything you want, for username use your callcentric number, for password use callcentric account password, for server/ proxy use I personally use csipsimple it just seems more user friendly and seems to work better but that’s just my opinion

I used csipsimple, it was a lot easier to setup.

Step 7- Set up Google Voice free call. For user name, use the Google email that your Google Voice number is activated with and password use the password for that account. Then for call back number type in your IPkall number and don’t forget the 1 in front. Then set it to use Google voice to make all calls (make sure to click apply) .

Step 8- Set up Dialer One app, go into settings- advanced settings- dtmf and change it to 50

Step 9- Test it. Use another phone to call your Google voice number, if you did everything right you should receive a call. Then try calling someone if you did it right, GV free call will place a call to you, you answer it and then it will call the number you dialed, they will see your Google voice number.

To send and receive texts:
Set up the Google voice app, it will walk you through but when it gives you an option to pick numbers pick your IPkall number. If you just want a number to send and receive text messages on your tablet for free get a Google voice number and install the older GV version app it will let you set it up with your Google talk account (the new one won’t let you)

I can send a text out, no problem. I receive texts into my gmail inbox. Repling to the txt that Google kindly puts into my inbox, also works flawlessly. The receiver gets the txt and the caller ID is my Google Voice numbner.

When making a voice call, make sure the very top of your screen shows the telephone SIP icon or calls will not initiate. Just this morning I found that Gvoice callback has a setting you can turn on that will "Start CSipSimple before callback." There have been a couple of times that the SIP icon was not there at the top of my display, thus calls would not initiate. Having checked this option that appears in the External Apps section of the settings for Google Voice callback, I will see if that issue goes away now.

When making an outbound call, you'll get a screen with the large Android Icon along with a green and red unlock/lock button. Swipe the green unlock and your outbound call will then initiate. You'll see some pop ups from Google Voice talking about initiating a Google Voice callback. Works perfect! You may also here a

Google Voice also has a feature to port your cell phone number for $20. Once I get my Jawbone Idol Blue Tooth earpiece (my boss had one and I verified it paired up), I will port my Straight Talk cell number and ditch the phone altogether.

Why do this;
I like the whole smart phone concept, but not the smartphone bill or near $100. Because I am NOT going to use my Tablet to watch movies and TV or stream music (Unless on a Wi-Fi), the nice lady at the store used her handy dandy data plan calculator and figured a basic $20 a month 1GB data plan would suit me nicely. So for $20 a month I have an oversized Android VOIP phone (7 inch form factor).

Downside, you can't where this on your hip, so for some this will be a serious issue. For others that don't want to spend $1200 a year for a smart phone, like me, this is a trade-off they are willing to accept.

One last note, if per chance you still can't get this to work, try Skype. That also worked perfect. I used Skype before I had this setup just to test the Blue Tooth headset my boss had. I had a Motorola that would not pair up, the Jawbone Icon did and 2 way communication over the Jawbone was successfully tested via Skype.

Skype now has subscriptions that are dirt cheap, less than $5 a month! Also, you can now reserve a phone number in Skype for around $2 a month. With that key part, non-skypers can 'call' your Skype number and it should ring on your TAB (unverified).

Have fun!

sweet im glad you got it working! enjoy
sweet im glad you got it working! enjoy

Thanks Probbie! You are da man!

ps. All, I scheduled a weekly reminder in my calendar to call the ipkall number from my work phone. You can't call it from the Tablet. Failure to call your ipkall number at least once a month means ipkall will automagically delete your number. :cool:
thats a really good idea, i have had to redo the set up a couple of times because my ipkall number went bad, but the good news is even if it does go bad you just reset everything up and you still have the same google voice number so you never have to give a different number to anyone