Amazon Free App of the Day

I must say...Fancy Widget Pro is one of the best free apps they have offered. I was about to buy it, and then all the sudden it was free. Awesome!
Pocketbooth "no coins necessary" but I'm guessing cameras might be ;)
Hungry Shark Part 1, this one I like on the phone hopefully it scales for the Nook :)
Spanish Translator Pro... you see what they did there? Ah very clever Amazon.

Hey did you guys know that if you translate Cinco de Mayo it means 5 of May in English? I guess you learn something new everyday ;)
It's like a roller coaster.. Time to pick it up a bit Amazon! Else I'll have to go mooch my free apps somewhere else...
I seem to be having some problems with Wave Launcher. I think the stock nook task bar at the bottom of the screen is getting in the way of my finger swipes so it works less than half the time. Anyone have better luck with it?

Edit: Just found in settings; calibrate: You can customize where you start your finger swipe. I put mine on the right side of the screen. Works better now.

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