Amazon Free App of the Day

Debt Payoff Calculator, shouldn't this always be free?
Retro Camera Plus

While completely useless to my camera free NC, this one is a hoot on my phone. The idea of a camera modeling software is pretty cool. The baseball game they gave away on Saturday was pretty cool too.
While completely useless to my camera free NC, this one is a hoot on my phone. The idea of a camera modeling software is pretty cool. The baseball game they gave away on Saturday was pretty cool too.

I'm hooked on that baseball game!

Sent from my HTC Aria using Android Tablet Forum
textPlus GOLD Free Text + Group Text

Today's texting app is pretty cool. Nice to be able to text from my NC.

Havent tried this one but I can vouch for Google Voice. I signed up just to be able to text from the Nook but have found there are other advatanges as well. Like a life long portable number, ability to designate which phones ring when GV # is dialed and a whole bunch more.