Android Market Install Instructions for IMX515 (CNDDU)


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010

I just translated it. Don't have an IMX515 yet.

If USB adb does not work, you may need to figure out how to use wifi adb. Sometimes it is a matter of changing usb ports. Right now this is one of the funky things with this tablet.

I looked through the androidtime thread. It looks like this is one thing they didn't do perfectly yet on their firmware.

IMX515 is adb shell rooted at stock configuration.

Source from padbbs: [

Forums ->
Email & Gtalk ->

Includes Utopia Shenzhen Technology (Utopia????? | ??) developed Contacts.apk and ContactProvider.apk provided by chip3c

Test Script for Windows - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Install ADB drivers and just run the cmd script
(if this doesn't work, follow below or fix it and reupload)

Original Instructions
Download the files from the megaupload pack, unzip and just... Ya...

1) enter adb shell
2) enter in command 'mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system'
3) use adb push to put the following files in /system/app
4) fake missing Android hardware devices. use adb push into /system/etc/permissions/
Thanks Xaueious

Unfortunately Im a total novice to the Android operating system and this is baffling to me.

Any chance you could post it in a 'beginners guide' type format?

Or if there's a link to any videos of the process that would be even better.
Unfortunately there is no beginner friendly method yet. It also depends on which unit you have. If you private message me your unit type I might be able to set something up.
Unfortunately there is no beginner friendly method yet. It also depends on which unit you have. If you private message me your unit type I might be able to set something up.

Thanks Xaueious. One the Slatedroid someone posted these instructions -

Quote from: mogrith on December 12, 2010, 04:22:18 PM

Worked for me on Utopia SLA8

Install was easy
d/l zip file from link in OP (original Post).
unzip into tools folder of SDK.
plug SLA8 in PC (USB debugging turned on)
Run setup.cmd.
unplug &Reboot.

I said I still wasnt quite sure about it and he replied saying to create a temp folder on my PC, unzip the files into it, connect up my IMX515 via USB (with USB Debugging on), and run setup.cmd.

Im hoping this will work.

The pad I have is the Utopia IMX515 variant from Pandawill.
If it doesn't work, adb push it via adb wireless. The firmware image isn't that difficult to modify either, so that might be an option when i get to it.
Could someone provide an alternative link to this file? I'm in China, where I cannot access teh multiupload server, and my VPN (work) does not allow me access to multiupload either, so if someone would like to help out a colleague-user, please help me find an alternative source for this file.

Possibly provide me with the file name, and I can search google for an alternative download source (though there may not be an alternative source)

Thanks guys!
I forgot to post the original link to Padbbs. Go there and you can reply to see the original post. It's attached there.

It makes a lot more sense to go to Padbbs for updates because there's some people from one of the factories there.
I downloaded the file.
Now I don't have a windows PC, only a mac, but I think I can use the adb as there is a Mac version. It seems to run, however, I have not even the faintest clue how to use it!
I open up terminal, and I know I can drag the adb executable in there which allows em to run exactly from it's location. I have my slate connected using USB debugging and then USB connected.

Now what do I do? I tried running:
/Users/ksporry/Documents/Tablet\ docs/android-sdk-mac_x86-1.5_r3/tools/adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system

but apparently this is not possible (note, everything before the "adb" is the directory where it is in on my Mac). Effectively I have no idea what to do or how to do it...

Right, somehow I managed to get this executed. However, when running the app, and setting up my account, I get the message that it cannot establish a connection with the server, what's that about?
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I have this same tablet. It does not have official market and will not run youtube. Like the last person, I am new. I unzipped file in desktop folder, but dont know anything about sdk's or how to get a command line on tablet. Help?
By now, it might be easier to just find that official update and flash it to your tablet.

Anyways, if you just use Windows, you should be able to use this without too much difficulty.
yeah, it'd be great to get the official firmware update, except I still need a formal way to flash it, AND I need to know which of the 637 manufacturers in china made mine... I actually wrote some of the manufacturers and they all said there is no firmware update available. However, I do know there are some that have the Market preinstalled, so if I could get one of those firmwares and instructions for flashing it, that would help me a lot.

In any case, the market installed ok I think, it's just that I cannot get registered and therefore not run it...
still cannot login, i'm still getting the "can't connect to server" message
Actually, it says it cannot get a reliable connection with the google server