Any rumors on 3.2...

Why would you jump to that conclusion?

3.2 is not Icecream, its just an upgrade with bug fixes to Honeycomb.
You'll have to forgive me. I was amazed when my droid x2 went from froyo to gingerbread. I have a friend that works for Motorola who said they were rather irritated that Google makes them push all the verisons through the product lines. I guess at some point my phone will be on homeycomb ( or that's how we understood it). I may just be completely misunderstanding all this.
A little snippet as to Ice cream Sandwich............and its features, and as ice bike said 3.2 is not ice cream sandwich !
[h=4]Google Ice Cream Sandwich coming in Q4 2011 to smartphones and tablets alike[/h]
One OS that runs everywhere." There you have it, folks! Google intends to meld its Honeycomb tablet wares and Gingerbread smartphone software into one delicious Ice Cream Sandwich. Maybe that's why the "sandwich" bit is in the name, eh? Either way, it'll be a universal OS that runs on everything from teeny tiny Android phones to 10-inch tablets and will intelligently adapt to each form factor with things like a resizable status bar. Some other fancy new additions were demonstrated during Google's I/O 2011 keynote, including face-tracking and camera focus shifting based on voice recognition, but most of the salient details remain under lock and key for now. We'll be sure to dig around Mountain View campus fridges in search for more clues about the next major iteration of Android.
Ice Cream Sandwich?? And I thought Microsoft had the monopoly on coming up with ridiculous nicknames for OS's - anyone remember Longhorn or Itanium? I admit it... I LOL'd for ages at the oxymoron that would have been 'Microsoft Longhorn'. :D

Ice Cream Sandwich?? And I thought Microsoft had the monopoly on coming up with ridiculous nicknames for OS's - anyone remember Longhorn or Itanium? I admit it... I LOL'd for ages at the oxymoron that would have been 'Microsoft Longhorn'. :D

Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo (frozen yogurt), Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwhich,
what do they all have in common?
They are continued in alphabetical order & are desserts. :D
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Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo (frozen yogurt), Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwhich,
what do they all have in common?
They are continued in alphabetical order & are desserts. :D

I just wish they'd stick with numbers. I know for a fact that 3.1 is a later version than 2.0. But I can never seem to remember the order of the desserts! And besides ... won't they run out of dessert nicknames after a while? :D
Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo (frozen yogurt), Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwhich,
what do they all have in common?
They are continued in alphabetical order & are desserts. :D

Jesus... so we can look forward to 'Jam Tart' or something next year?

I hope they decide to change their naming system before too long.. I'm not sure I could cope with 'Android Muffin'... ;)
Ice Cream Sandwich?? And I thought Microsoft had the monopoly on coming up with ridiculous nicknames for OS's - anyone remember Longhorn or Itanium? I admit it... I LOL'd for ages at the oxymoron that would have been 'Microsoft Longhorn'. :D


I can see the next release now.. 4.0 Android Jellybean! As for 'Longhorn'.. Do you think Bill was trying to overcompensate for some insecurity?
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JellyRoll..roll it out! :D I'm quite pleased with the 3.2 on my seems a bit snappier and more stable than 3.1 on the A500..but it could be perception. :)
I hope they decide to change their naming system before too long.. I'm not sure I could cope with 'Android Muffin'... ;)

The naming convention is very Linux-esque, which is completely appropriate since Android is Linux based. Ubuntu does something similar, naming their releases after animals. The last few releases were Intrepid Ibex, Jaunty Jackalope, Karmic Koala, Lucid Lynx, Maverick Meerkat and the current one is Natty Narwhal. I like gives the releases personality that they wouldn't have if they were named something like, say, Windows 98 :)
On my facebook page this morning

[h=6]"dear fans, we understand that you are anxious to update your Acer Iconia Tab A500 to the latest 3.2 version. as mentioned earlier, the update will be rolled out on the 25th August 2011 but we are not sure of the roll-out time so it will be anytime of the day ~ pls be patient ~ cheers ! :)"[/h]Roll on !!!!