App Install error on known working app. How do I get reinstall working again?


Jan 10, 2011
I am running Phiremod 5.3 and having installing Twitter and a couple other apps I had previously installed. Either by trying to install from my sd card or by downloading I get an install error. I know these apps work as I had them installed before. So I am guess there is a directory still in existence from before that is corrupting the install (I am guessing here).

So my question is how do I clean up the past so the app (Twitter in this case) installs again?

The only way I have figured out how to do this is the past was a clean ROM install. But I prefer not to do this as things work well otherwise.

Appreciate words of wisdom here.

Bob Silver
bob, you can use Titanium Backup to "wipe data" then uninstall the app. You could also unintall the app and use CWR to wiipe the caches. Once unistalled an wiped you can try installing from the market again and see if that does the trick.

bob, you can use Titanium Backup to "wipe data" then uninstall the app. You could also unintall the app and use CWR to wiipe the caches. Once unistalled an wiped you can try installing from the market again and see if that does the trick.


In this instance the app is not on my system and there is no titanium backup to restore from or delete the data. I am trying to instal Twitter which as I recall was fine before. So I am stumped why I keep getting install errors when I try to install it???
Can you tell us exactly what the error is ?

That might help find a solution.

The error is simply "The Application Did Not Install" with the triangle warning in the notification area. Again I have had this issue with past ROM's when something corrupted. I only found a clean install of everything cleared it up. Now with some much on the NC that is a several hour ordeal which I prefer to avoid.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

Sounds like incompatible app version for the android os you are running. If you are manually installing apps from a sd card, you can run into this issue.
hopefully someone here has a link but i seem to have read over at the other forum that twitter had library install issues