Best Rom to update Nook Color???

@bobsilver the audio quality is great - however again limited to 4 feet so might as well have a corded headset :) but hey the gps works great
Well must be my NC then. But 4 ft isn't bad for bt. Can't say my ios devices are a whole lot better.
Havnt tried playing games yet. I just checked to see if they load full screen or not. With CM7, Phiremod UD some apps think it is a phone and only display a small screen. Mint is a good example. On Eclair or Froyo displays full screen. Gingerbread a small phone screen. That really annoys me. Probably the biggest dislike I have so far.
Except only 1 gps program (IGO) all other apps and games that I have tried so far to my ROM are running in full screen.
Well, just a quick update, installed Phiremod BETA 2 just to start slow, i'm little scared of formatting my eMMC, but after seeing Bob's comments i think i will give it a shot today... Well, i came from a rooted NC, wich was a little bit laggy but OK, and now in Phiremod i'm seeing great improvement of speed! A little laggy sometimes but everything is working, Youtube App, Flash etc... Nice ROM btw, but still not so nice as I aspected... too many "phone" things...
Now my question to you all is: I do have some iOS devices and the touch screen (feeling and responsiveness) is superb, but when i'm in Nook the feeling is not the same... is just me that is lacking of "experience" with an Android device OR is the anti-glare that i bot from B&N OR is the ROM that i'm using?
Sometimes i find hard to hit the MKT's SEARCH BUTTON in portrait view (i'm always doing the TURN OFF and TURNO ON "fix" after all the reboots), or when moving some ICONS in my screen... I would appreciate your guys help / comments on this !!!

I'm using latest available for FROYO kernel 1.1 form dalingrin with SetCpu MAX 1000 MIN 300 no profiles...

Thanks to all!
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You are going to continue to see 'phone things' as long as developers are modding OS's from phones to use on the NC...besides, there are apps on the market that look for those 'phone things', and if your NC doesn't have them, then you can't download that app.

Remember that every OS before Honeycomb was developed for a phone, not a tablet
You are going to continue to see 'phone things' as long as developers are modding OS's from phones to use on the NC...besides, there are apps on the market that look for those 'phone things', and if your NC doesn't have them, then you can't download that app.

Remember that every OS before Honeycomb was developed for a phone, not a tablet

Thanks Darmeen, so i can think that the less sensitive Touch is real and not a physical problem? In HoneyComb everything should be ok?
Regarding the phone thing i really dont mind... was just a comment! i think everything is great the way it is and i know it will get better.. my only concern was about any physical defect... =)
No, many people have had issue with that corner...You can download Touchrecalibrate and it has helped some people with it.

I have noticed that my NC likes the touch from my left hand over my right that search button in market...I can hit it every time with my left hand, but its hit and miss with my right hand...
No, many people have had issue with that corner...You can download Touchrecalibrate and it has helped some people with it.

I have noticed that my NC likes the touch from my left hand over my right that search button in market...I can hit it every time with my left hand, but its hit and miss with my right hand...

Darmeen, should that type of problem still exist with HC? Thanks again!
It shouldn't but HC as a daily use OS is still a ways off.

There aren't many touch issues with the default B&N OS either for that matter, but every custom ROM we are running right now is a tweak of a phone OS.

We just have to wait and see what the future holds.
Hey guys my big issue with Phiremod and CM7 was that some of my apps showed up in small phone like screens. I just found a setting for compatibility mode which was selected. By turning this off and rebooting my small apps are now full screen!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea. I am really liking Phiremod 5.1. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an upgrade.
No, many people have had issue with that corner...You can download Touchrecalibrate and it has helped some people with it.

I have noticed that my NC likes the touch from my left hand over my right that search button in market...I can hit it every time with my left hand, but its hit and miss with my right hand...

I use Touchrecalibrate everytime I cold boot and to me, it really does help my screen sensitivity, especially in the corners. I also changed my LCD density to 181 (Phiremod 5.1) which also helps with larger sweet spots for hotlinks and app icons.
Hey guys my big issue with Phiremod and CM7 was that some of my apps showed up in small phone like screens. I just found a setting for compatibility mode which was selected. By turning this off and rebooting my small apps are now full screen!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea. I am really liking Phiremod 5.1. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an upgrade.

Bob, how is your battery life with 5.1?
Also, does 5.1 have the "fix" for the wifi on/off issue (or is there a manual setting that fixes this?)

my wifi works great. i leave it on all the time. i have sleep turned off and screen blanks at 10 minutes. i get 14 hours of moderate use under this scenario. i have not tested wifi with sleep mode turned on. when i pull into the garage i hear my nook still in my satchel log on to my home wifi. pretty awesome.