Boot loop on startup


Jun 17, 2011
I was trying to put android on my daughters nook and now it loops on startup with the arrow going around in circle. I used nooter, latest cm7, I tried CWR and clead cache, davik and loaded CWR from card everything went OK but still looping. What can I do to get it back to stock to start all over again?
Thanks for all your help.:mad:
After hours of reading I found a fix using clockwork 0.4.tar.gz and stock image v1.0.1, but was unable to clear cache using this method and the above method after rebooting it seemed to start normal then gets stuck on the N page. Did I use the correct versions to do this? PLEASE HELP!
I used this file: clockwork_1gb-0.4.tar.gz, if I have to update to what stock image do I use?
I used this file: clockwork_1gb-0.4.tar.gz, if I have to update to what stock image do I use?

Any ROM, stock or custom, will work with ClockworkMod Recovery It is simply the newest CWR that fixes issues with the previous CWRs. You should always use the latest CWR.

Thanks for your help. I copied the newsest CWR to SD and stock image but I am unable to apply when I power up regular or using power button and home button. What am I doing wrong? is there a way to revert back to stock and not be able to root unit again? I do want to root agin but at this point I am completely lost on what to do, I have spent hours reading but most threads on this are almost a year old and all methods I tried did not work.
There is a certain timing to using the power and n button. After it begings to turn on you need to hold the n button for 6-8 seconds and then you shold boot into recovery. If you can't get that to work you can create a bootable CWR card. Simply instert into a power off Nook, power on and it boots to recovery. Once in recovery via either method, all you need to do is wipe system/data, clear cache, clear dalvik cache and flash the zip file of the ROM you want to install.

Here are some helpful links:

xda-developers - View Single Post - [UPDATE ZIP] Stock 1.2 flashable from CWM
I was in your same boat a few days ago when Flash 11 update jacked my perfectly setup B&N 1.2 with Manual Nooter! Urgh! I had to go back to stock using this thread:

This will get you to back to a stock 1.0.1 Nook. Then put this file on your boot CWM SD card:
xda-developers - View Single Post - [UPDATE ZIP] Stock 1.2 flashable from CWM

Once you have B&N 1.2 loaded, get the 1.3 update from the B&N website and side load (using the USB). It will eventually update once it goes to sleep - follow the directions on the B&N support page.

I've decided to just boot using CM7 and have the stock Nook 1.3 on normal boot until a more reliable Manual Nooter version comes out with full Market support.

Good luck.
Thanks everyone for your help, I finally fixed the problem, I can say how since I tried a bunch of things and lost track but I was shocked to how easy it was to root again after having the 2 files needed.