Bought NC last night


Feb 6, 2011
Out of the box youtube does not work.

Looked for an update.. got it. Its on my nook but it refuses to see it.

Restarted.. used ade trying to force it. nada.

This makes me want to take it back..

Not only that but the salesman told me nc was getting android 2.2 soon. How soon I have no idea. But 'soon' with market apps.

I have done some reading and searching. And have found pcworld says that 2.2 is coming BUT B&N wants to keep it more geared toward their format. So to me it sounds like it will not be a full 2.2 upgrade. Which means no flash.. maybe?

Anyway any hints suggestions before I throw this one back to the dogs?

Yes I know I should root it etc. I tried that with the kyros.. and it screwed up my computer which is sitting at the tech store. So unless I find someone local to root it. This will not be done. =( can't afford to fix another computer.
You aren't going to get working on the nook, because it requires flash...only through an app

the update for Android 2.2 is rumored to be out either by the end of Feb or early March, but the Nook will still have the B&N UI, which will limit what you can do with it from a stock standpoint. Unless you root it, you will be in the Barnes and Noble universe exclusively. Now I see no reason why they wouldn't be enabling flash when they do the 2.2 update, which would allow you to watch

I guess my question to you is...if you didn't intend on rooting it, why did you buy an e-book reader? Because if you don't root it, that will be what you have. B&N never marketed it as an android tablet, their marketing has always been an e-reader running the Android operating system.
ok, for the record, I replied first! (i just don't know what happened to my reply... lol)

OK, what I said was, "where is local to you" cause maybe someone on here is close and could help you out.
You bought an e reader to watch youtube? Why not buy a huawei or samsung tablet if you had no intention of rooting. Seems to me you read this forum without digesting the info
You bought an e reader to watch youtube? Why not buy a huawei or samsung tablet if you had no intention of rooting. Seems to me you read this forum without digesting the info

Ahh blasphemy to speak such words. Buy a huawei or samsung!?
Just curious how the rooting killed your computer!?!?
Whatever happened, it wasn't the Nook that did it.
