Can Not Download from Market


Nov 22, 2010
I booted up my 101 earlier today and could not download any apps from the market. I attempted to clear out the market settings, but still can not download. It says preparing to down load and just sits. Is there a fix for this that I don't know about? Any help is appreciated.
I had a similar problem. I had to do the "Market Fix" That was when I changed from 2.0.71 to 2.1.2
I did try the market fix a couple of times, but it did not resolve the issue.
Why dont you try uninstalling the market and trying the Acrtools from Appslib. Some have posted that they have had success with that install.
Which way did you install Market? I have been reading about and while there was Market probs for everyone in past 24-36 hours. This seems to have settled out. I used Gappsintallerv4. Since first installing Market on 2.0.54, I have had to reinstall to regain functionality. One time it was GMail. Another time it was GTalk. Just trying to think of potential causes. Uninstall and reinstall may need to be an option
Which way did you install Market? I have been reading about and while there was Market probs for everyone in past 24-36 hours. This seems to have settled out. I used Gappsintallerv4. Since first installing Market on 2.0.54, I have had to reinstall to regain functionality. One time it was GMail. Another time it was GTalk. Just trying to think of potential causes. Uninstall and reinstall may need to be an option

I installed the Market via the gAppsInsaller_v5 apk file.