Can't stop boot from SD card after Froyo 2.2 upgrade


Jun 11, 2011
Since using my SD card to go from 2.02 to 2.2 the device always tries to boot from the same SD card at start-up if it's inserted. It's the only one I have so don't know if it would happen with another card inserted. It's been re-formatted several times since the upgrade so there is no boot image. I get a message to remove SD and reboot. It boots fine when I pop the card which I can reinsert as soon as I see Sylvania logo and the card works fine for storage.

Any ideas how to tell the device not to boot from the SD? BTW, I'm a total noob and got the tablet as a gift. 2.02 was horrible so thanks to all who contributed to the 2.2 upgrade threads, it worked great, even for a noob. Now my son doesn't bug me for my ipad2 to play Angry Birds.

Any ideas how to tell the device not to boot from the SD?

The easiest method posted to get the microSD card back to a normal format is to format it in another device like a phone or camera. For some unknown reason, the tablet doesn't format the card properly and multiple users have had issues with the multitude of ways to format on a computer given all of the various operating systems. If you have a cell phone or camera that uses a microSD card insert it into that device and format. Please let us know if you find success with that method. If not, there is another post with the three top SD card formatting software utilities that an advanced search may find.

Update - Finally found post #82 here describing how to delete the partition that was created for the update and utilities available to format the card along with the suggestion to use a phone or camera or any other device other than the tablet itself.
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The easiest method posted to get the microSD card back to a normal format is to format it in another device like a phone or camera. For some unknown reason, the tablet doesn't format the card properly and multiple users have had issues with the multitude of ways to format on a computer given all of the various operating systems. If you have a cell phone or camera that uses a microSD card insert it into that device and format. Please let us know if you find success with that method. If not, there is another post with the three top SD card formatting software utilities that an advanced search may find.

Update - Finally found post #82 here describing how to delete the partition that was created for the update and utilities available to format the card along with the suggestion to use a phone or camera or any other device other than the tablet itself.

Thanks cfrockit for another great tip, it worked formatting it in a camera. Appreciate all the great info in your other postings that allowed me to turn the Sylvania into a very decent tablet.