ClockworkMod Recovery with Touch Support for Allwinner A10-based Tablet

Reporting back on this - still no touch interface support, still unable to hardboot:confused:

boot into CWM and provide the dmesg output by using adb.

"adb shell dmesg"

I cant really help to find your hardware way of getting into recovery.
any chance that having this recovery installed is why i can boot the system with the usb cable and have it go into debug mode where my other same tablet wont?
OK in the Brick assurance department for the PMID701C I have personally used the Onda 2.0.5 Gingerbread ROM to reflash with LiveSuite and then use that to load the KK ROM Kit and get into Recovery. Made a backup of the current flash so I can get back here if I need to. Good thing is at least we have brick assurance even if we have to flash a different ROM to get it back to where you were. For the record though I have been able to use SetCPU to get it up to 1.2GHZ with the Onda ROM, though when the SetCPU service was running it would not complete the Clockwork install, it seemed stable on it otherwise. More info on this here the PMID701C man up thread

Oh and KK, I will get the info requested by tomorrow morning, no way to ADB in at the moment.
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any chance that having this recovery installed is why i can boot the system with the usb cable and have it go into debug mode where my other same tablet wont?

I am not sure if I understand you. But no, CWM in my romkit does not give you features, it just install CWM.

OK in the Brick assurance department for the PMID701C I have personally used the Onda 2.0.5 Gingerbread ROM to reflash with LiveSuite and then use that to load the KK ROM Kit and get into Recovery. Made a backup of the current flash so I can get back here if I need to. Good thing is at least we have brick assurance even if we have to flash a different ROM to get it back to where you were. For the record though I have been able to use SetCPU to get it up to 1.2GHZ with the Onda ROM, though when the SetCPU service was running it would not complete the Clockwork install, it seemed stable on it otherwise. More info on this here the PMID701C man up thread

Oh and KK, I will get the info requested by tomorrow morning, no way to ADB in at the moment.

No, you are incorrect. The current CWM does not backup the boot partition(nanda) so if you somehow overwrite that partition, then you lose your device settings. Of course, you can always recover via livesuit and then do a restore via CWM.

I would not personally recommend overclocking as it does not seem to give much more performance versus the potential increase in battery use and instability. 1Gz seem to be optimal speed.
boot into CWM and provide the dmesg output by using adb.

"adb shell dmesg"

I cant really help to find your hardware way of getting into recovery.

First I figured out that if I clicked the check box to turn off debug while in debug mode with the cable connected seems to be what made it turn on into debug mode. Not sure if it is just a quirk, but that is what that is.

As for the ADB shell dmesg, debug message is for a full boot, clockwork is the reboot into recovery :


  • $debugmessage.txt
    133 KB · Views: 455
  • $clockwork.txt
    22.6 KB · Views: 452
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First I figured out that if I clicked the check box to turn off debug while in debug mode with the cable connected seems to be what made it turn on into debug mode. Not sure if it is just a quirk, but that is what that is.

As for the ADB shell dmesg, debug message is for a full boot, clockwork is the reboot into recovery :

From the dmesg log, it does not seem that you have the right config. Please make sure to install the cwm for 701c.
ricsi said:

I just downloaded your kkromkit, and installed it on my yinlips YDPG18.
I can boot into it with your program.
I cannot boot into it with key combos on normal boot.
(this device does not have HW volume keys)

Device is recognized as Teclast P76Ti (R2)
Only key that works is joy down, that seems to be "enter" -> do what is currently marked (eg. reboot)
No other key does anything.
Touchscreen does not work. (well if keys work, that would not matter)

Any idea how to get keys working (eg. dpad up/down -> up/down
start/enter -> select current selection)

Any idea how to check how recovery can be activated?

Also strangely I cannot use adb.
I have adb installed on windows, and it works for my htc desire.
but I get no device found when doing adb usb
(usb debugging is enabled)

thanx in advance

PS: I hope that I did not overwrite anything important by installing cwm to nand.

It didnt work as the last person who request for it did not revert after I have make the changes. Does the dpad up/down work?

No, it will only overwrite your recovery partition so no harm done. I believe the yinlips and 710c does not have the proper config to getting into recovery by hardbuttons.
Below are the results from all three tries. I can say in each case I got a message back saying it loaded the CWM that I selected, however everytime it enters into CWM it says it is a Teclast P76Ti (R2). CWM-Based Recovery v5.0.2.8.


  • $clockworkP76Ti.txt
    22.6 KB · Views: 380
  • $clockworkPMID701C.txt
    22.6 KB · Views: 435
  • $clockworkYDPG-18.txt
    22.6 KB · Views: 373
Below are the results from all three tries. I can say in each case I got a message back saying it loaded the CWM that I selected, however everytime it enters into CWM it says it is a Teclast P76Ti (R2). CWM-Based Recovery v5.0.2.8.

For some reasons, the latest CWM does not get installed. Do not try out other tablet beside 701c. I would suggest that you uninstall the existing romkit and then install the latest version again.

Also go to Android terminal(can be download from market) and type "su" and let me know what is the response.
For some reasons, the latest CWM does not get installed. Do not try out other tablet beside 701c. I would suggest that you uninstall the existing romkit and then install the latest version again.
Been bouncing back and forth between 2 tablets the last few days, missed copying the b version on my stock PMID. It still says it has installed CWM for the PMID701C, still says I am working on a P76Ti, and still no touchscreen support. Here is the latest file:

Also go to Android terminal(can be download from market) and type "su" and let me know what is the response.

I have the Pavlech emulater already so this one is easy, I get a # prompt


  • $clockwork122bPMID701.txt
    22.6 KB · Views: 388
Been bouncing back and forth between 2 tablets the last few days, missed copying the b version on my stock PMID. It still says it has installed CWM for the PMID701C, still says I am working on a P76Ti, and still no touchscreen support. Here is the latest file:

I have the Pavlech emulater already so this one is easy, I get a # prompt

This just mean that the latest cwm from 1.22b did not get installed. What do you get when you try to install v1.22b over the previous version?
Any error?
No errors, but i did notice that both copies are the same size and both say 1.22 in the about. I used the link on page 8 that said 1.22b. It does say 1.22b in the filename, but otherwise lools the same
No errors, but i did notice that both copies are the same size and both say 1.22 in the about. I used the link on page 8 that said 1.22b. It does say 1.22b in the filename, but otherwise lools the same

ok, will check it out when I have time. working on cm7 for another tablet.
It didnt work as the last person who request for it did not revert after I have make the changes. Does the dpad up/down work?

I believe the yinlips and 710c does not have the proper config to getting into recovery by hardbuttons.

thanx for the reply

the only button that does anything is joy down. that enters the current selection.
all other buttons have no function

sad that the yinlips seems not prepared to boot into recovery by hardbuttons.

but I would at least like to have recovery working when started from your app.
so that I can make nand backups etc. with up/down/enter working (or touch)
thanx for the reply

the only button that does anything is joy down. that enters the current selection.
all other buttons have no function

sad that the yinlips seems not prepared to boot into recovery by hardbuttons.

but I would at least like to have recovery working when started from your app.
so that I can make nand backups etc. with up/down/enter working (or touch)

noted. Unfortunately, I am now working on cm7 on imx515. Will get back when I have the time to look into it. The good news though is that I am working on the CWM touch for that and its base on resistive screen so it might help your getting the touch support for your device.