coby 8042-4 black screen fastboot problem

hmmm do you mean I must root it again? In first I though of that but didn't know I can root again.

there is no problem rooting a tablet again, simply means your su binary has lost it's permission.

I have no ideal what you mean by wont boot without memcard.
well I recently rooted again but it remains the same !

If I remove the MicroSD card from the slot it's just bootlooping on CM9 bootanimation, but when I insert MicroSd card it boot's well only have to replace touch drivers somehow.
oki then when I do
adb shell

on the tablet screen itself I see pop-up "shell has been denied super user permissions"

must I root with CM9 boot.img?
well rooting isn't helping here, although the root process was succesfull. And one thing I noticed that when rooting completes reboot command sents to device but my tab isn't rebooting there. to reboot I must type b on main menu of root-restore.bat. Or in adb "adb reboot".

Everyday I keep searching for ways to get my tab working, but none seems to work. But I will keep trying.
Ok now I'm a huge step ahead :)

something great came to my head !!! The USB ADAPTOR !!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh can control now with mouse my tab oooooooooo

oki but now where is that "root acces" feature in developer options gone hmmmmmcan't see it there?
And I've also noticed that settings are lost at reboot. This is caused by a non CM9 boot.img. So first is to get root acces heh?
You can remove or add anything to the rom. Something sounds wrong with your tablet, I would reinstall the rom format data partition and start fresh.
Yes I also have a feeling something is not right!. but oke then can you guide me how to reinstall the rom because I can't even go into CWM?
Yes I also have a feeling something is not right!. but oke then can you guide me how to reinstall the rom because I can't even go into CWM?

I really don't understand your problem, use adb to root tablet and install cw recovery then reboot to recovery.
OMG :(

rooted again installed cw recovery again but device doesn't reboot at execution of cw . and if i reboot with b it reboots rom only
oke let me line up thing here:
1. touch screen isn't working, but with external usb mouse tab works flawless.
2. I can't see Root Access in settings\developer settings to activate root.
3. in adb shell I get $ so when I try "su" I get permission Denied.
4. when I try to replace touch drivers like> adb push ft5x_ts.ko /system/vendor/modules I get Read-Only file system.
5. setting are back to default when rebooted.
6. when there is no MicroSD card in slot Tab is bootlooping.
7. when I dissable or force to stop SU I only see SU not active in tab but all remains asin permissions.
8. I can't boot into recovery to install rom again.

So if I could at minimum get touch drivers replaced would be good.
One last thing If all above is not going to work can I or is there a way to go to stock ? Or may be CM10 cos that's on sdcard right?