Coby Tablet 7022 | 1125 | 1126 | 8127 Update ICS Android 4.0 - Is This True?

Zorbar, would you mind doing a backup and posting it for us?
just follow the guide and you'll be able to install everything trough CWM.
I've installed ics gapps, but i'm getting a lot of problems with authentication of my google account. any way to solve this? gmail, youtube apk can't authenticate...

Anyone got a copy of the 1126 specific update?

The 1125 version isn't working, I have no backup, and so cant even boot the tablet to download the rom :(
Anyone got a copy of the 1126 specific update?

It looks like Coby Germany may have pulled the plug on the ICS 4.0.3 update. Whether this is temporary or permanent is not known. If you check the link: Consumer Entertainment Products for Home, Office or On the Go! | COBY you will get the message "Due to technical reasons this page is not available."

Not exactly sure what is going on, but both the US and German websites have changed recently. The German site now only lists the older tablets (7022, 7127, 8127, 8128, 1125, 1125WAN, 1126) that were supported in the 4.0.x update but without the upgrade link. The German website does not yet list the newer models although these are seen in images elsewhere on the site. I expect to see the newer models listed in the near future

The US site also dropped the older models (leaving only 7022, 7127, 8127, 1125 and 1126) and shows all the newer (7033, 7055, 8042, 9042, 9742, 1042 and 1045) tablet models. Things are shifting...
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Update page came back !

There is some fix :
A new Android 4.0.3 Update for the COBY Kyros Tablets is now available. The following issues are solved with this update:

-HDMI is now more reliable.
-Connecting to the PC the tablet can be used as a mass storage device again
-The stability of WIFI connections has been improved
-Video playback is now utilizing the hardware acceleration
-Further stability and performance improvements

EDIT : and if someone with a 8127 could help me with this : ^^
Thanks !
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Update page came back !

There is some fix :
A new Android 4.0.3 Update for the COBY Kyros Tablets is now available. The following issues are solved with this update:

HDMI is now more reliable.
Connecting to the PC the tablet can be used as a mass storage device again
The stability of WIFI connections has been improved
Video playback is now utilizing the hardware acceleration
Further stability and performance improvements

Please post a link. The original link still gives the same message that the page in unavailable.

Where are you located ?? Is it possible Coby Germany is blocking access to North American IP addresses ?? I will be in Europe in September and plan to bring my MID1126. This would be an opportunity to check.

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Please post a link. The original link still gives the same message that the page in unavailable.

Where are you located ?? Is it possible Coby Germany is blocking access to North American IP addresses ?? I will be in Europe in September and plan to bring my MID1126. This would be an opportunity to check.


I don't think so. I'm at Southern Europe (Portugal) and i can't see the page also.
I'm in France.
I've just went to the same url : Consumer Entertainment Products for Home, Office or On the Go! | COBY

Anyway, the update process seems to be the same as the old one, so I think you can download the updater (from here : and run it on your tablet.

Here is the full message from coby germany if you can't read it :
Updating to Android 4.0.3 is free. The update file can be installed directly on your tablet after providing some obligatory data. The requested serial number can be found on a label at the rear of your Kyros tablet. The updates are device specific and are only compatible to some specified COBY Kyros tablets.

At the momnent the update is available for the following models:

MID 7022, MID 8127, MID 1125, MID 1126
The updates for the 3G models MID 8128WAN and MID 1125WAN will be available soon.
The update is available exclusively for above mentioned COBY tablets of which the serial numbers are stored in our database.

This applies for all devices sold in Germany. If your serial number is not recognized and you have a german tablet ( default language is/was German) please contact our hotline.

New update available

A new Android 4.0.3 Update for the COBY Kyros Tablets is now available. The following issues are solved with this update:

- HDMI is now more reliable.
- Connecting to the PC the tablet can be used as a mass storage device again
- The stability of WIFI connections has been improved
- Video playback is now utilizing the hardware acceleration
- Further stability and performance improvements

Tablets with Android 2.3 are now updated with the new update version. If you updated your tablet earlier, please download the package "UpdateAndroid.apk" (see link below) again, install and run it. The new update will then be downloaded and installed automatically. Further system updates will be installed Over the Air from within the running system.
The link you posted gives the "Due to technical reasons this page is not available. " message. Are you certain you are not looking at a cached page ?

I have the updater.apk installed. It will be interesting to see if it continues to work.

Something is happening at Coby... I've put off buying a used 8127 until this is resolved. If I can't update the 8127 to 4.0.3 I'd pass on the older tablet and look for a used 8042 instead.
Yes, sure. I've cleared cache, cookies, all stuff and I always can see this page.
Yesterday, this url send me to the homepage of cobygermany but today it's working well. I've went to this url with my mobile phone too and I was able to download the UpgradeAndroid.apk from a link a the end of the page (the one I've posted earlier).
Actually I now have my 1126 up and running with ICS, Wifi, Touchscreen etc lol.

I could never boot the tablet before so couldn't go to the german site, but I downloaded the APK and run it in Bluestacks... see the post I just made if this method helps you.

Fascinating... I'm browsing on a Win7 machine and after clearing my cache I still get the "Due to technical reasons this page is not available. " message. Something is happening.

Since I have the Updater on my MID1126 I could try to run that but I don't want to wreck my ICS 4.0.3 installation. This might be a good time to pick up an used 8127 and play with that.