My wife like surfing the web and reading books from Overdrive on my S7 so I decided to get her, her own device. She didnt need all the features of the Huawei that I enjoy, like the ability to use as a phone, GPS, or bluetooth capabilities. She did however want something reasonable fast, that was a good reader and web device. After trying the Velocity Cruz Reader, 9" Pandigital Novel, and being dissapointed, we settled on the Nook. She was happy with the stock interface, but wanted to be able to play games like Angry Birds and Slice It, so I rooted it. After using it for a few days I present my head to head comparo.
The S7 is a great peice of hardware. It works great out of the box with almost no usability quirks. Its almost appliance like. It has all the features of a highend smartphone such as a fast Snapdragon processor, 512MB Ram, Dual Cams, GPS, but with the great usability of a 7" tablet form factor. Some people consider the S7's resitive screen a negative, but its never been a burden for me, as i find the Nooks screen to be overly sensitive at times. I consider the S7 a very underated device. Its a great all around device, with great build quality and admirable performance.
The rooted NOOKcolor, ill call it the NC for short, is a great device with a few caveats. Unrooted its like having the engine of a corvette in the body of a mini-van. It has the hardware to be a monster but Barnes and Nobles went with a super conservative interface. It has an incredible screen that even outpaces devices such as the Galaxy TAB and Ipad. The capacitive touch is super sensitive. The processor is fast and the unit has 512mb ram. The main limitations of the Nook are the lack of a MIC for any voice related apps, no GPS for location based apps, and no Cam or Bluetooth.
The S7 is being underserved by a lack of accessories, though a contact at best-buy has told me there are SKUs in their system for home, vehicle chargers, and a Huawei specific case. The S7 requires no using command prompts, rooting, hacking, risk of messing up to be a great usable device.
The NC has extensive customer support and accessories. For rooting it has several websites full of developers working to iron out the rooting related kinks. Still unless you are comfortable using a DOS like command prompt system id stay away from the nook for now. There are also many quirks that still need to being ironed out, but NookDev and XDA Developers groups of experts are working on it. They are even working on adding bluetooth capabilities using its builtin chipset.
Overall they are both capable devices, but I still favor the S7 for now. I enjoy having the extra features available, and having a device that just works without limitations from being hacked. The NC has an incredible screen, which is really the cornerstone of it. In time I may shift my favortism.

The S7 is a great peice of hardware. It works great out of the box with almost no usability quirks. Its almost appliance like. It has all the features of a highend smartphone such as a fast Snapdragon processor, 512MB Ram, Dual Cams, GPS, but with the great usability of a 7" tablet form factor. Some people consider the S7's resitive screen a negative, but its never been a burden for me, as i find the Nooks screen to be overly sensitive at times. I consider the S7 a very underated device. Its a great all around device, with great build quality and admirable performance.
The rooted NOOKcolor, ill call it the NC for short, is a great device with a few caveats. Unrooted its like having the engine of a corvette in the body of a mini-van. It has the hardware to be a monster but Barnes and Nobles went with a super conservative interface. It has an incredible screen that even outpaces devices such as the Galaxy TAB and Ipad. The capacitive touch is super sensitive. The processor is fast and the unit has 512mb ram. The main limitations of the Nook are the lack of a MIC for any voice related apps, no GPS for location based apps, and no Cam or Bluetooth.
The S7 is being underserved by a lack of accessories, though a contact at best-buy has told me there are SKUs in their system for home, vehicle chargers, and a Huawei specific case. The S7 requires no using command prompts, rooting, hacking, risk of messing up to be a great usable device.
The NC has extensive customer support and accessories. For rooting it has several websites full of developers working to iron out the rooting related kinks. Still unless you are comfortable using a DOS like command prompt system id stay away from the nook for now. There are also many quirks that still need to being ironed out, but NookDev and XDA Developers groups of experts are working on it. They are even working on adding bluetooth capabilities using its builtin chipset.
Overall they are both capable devices, but I still favor the S7 for now. I enjoy having the extra features available, and having a device that just works without limitations from being hacked. The NC has an incredible screen, which is really the cornerstone of it. In time I may shift my favortism.