Creative ZiiO 7 GPL Source Code Package


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
With regards to your request for the Creative ZiiO 7 GPL associated source code, please note we have made the compressed files, named as, available on our public FTP site for you to download.

Refer to the log-in information below to access the FTP site. Take note to key the information in correctly as the password is case sensitive.

Login Information:
ftp://usersupp:[email protected]
*Please use Windows Explorer to open the above link.

User name: usersupp
Password: FTPftp01

After you have successfully logged into the FTP site, locate the zipped folder(s) that you wish to download. 'Right click' on the file and then 'click' Copy. Save the copy into your local hard drive or onto any local directory.

Extract the compressed file(s) by double-clicking the .zip file that was saved onto your local drive. When prompted for a password to extract the files, enter the following password "678oth29". The file(s) will only be available on the FTP site for 5 days, until May 4, afterwhich it will be removed.

Creative GPL sources for ZiiO?

i downloaded the from the ftp server and tried to extract the files but the password given in this quote is wrong.
Could you send me the file or upload it anywhere?

Many thanks!

Does anyone actually have the source code for this device? The files won't extract with that password.

Never mind. I asked Creative and they got it to me.
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Hi i'm anche owner of creative ziio 7 and i'm interesting on the ziio source pakage, do you have a password for open the zip file. Thanks