Source Code

Well I burnt

and its stuck on the animated screen, i'll give it half an hour

This happens because you need build uImage instead zImage. Try to do:
mkimage -l original_kernel_image
and give output here.
@tuzzz i have managed to use uImage on my device but is stopping after the logo just black screen i am going to recompile with trying to output dmesg to screen instead of running the animation to see how far i get when booting
What mean "logo"? Is this kernel tux or boot screen from u-boot?
And parameters for uImage should be identical to the original image.

Simplest debugging is load kernel from NFS with correct file system via burntool.
Also you can compile network console into kernel.
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sorry i get the
screen with my custom rom
i am not to sure how to load kernel from NFS via the burntool i may have to research at bit more unless you have an example
Looks like you kernel is loaded but have problem with ramdisk or init. Maybe wrong some kernel config parameters.

And try read this and this.

stopping after the logo just black screen
Also this may occur due to framebuffer code or it configuration. Need do kernel debug messages on disk or console (com or network). Or also may try temporary disable gles for vivante (use Android will go to soft-renderer but it will be start point.
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Mixing and matching potentially means bricking, be careful! Let us know what combinations are in your recipe.

U0 version
Ramdisk - custom or from which .ius ?
Kernel - custom zImage or uImage from which .ius?
Userdata - from which .ius?
System - custom or from which .ius?

I've had this tablet for a while now, even bricked on intentionally just to find out which files I can and can't flash to the device without bricking..and as long as you don't flash to U0. The device is always recoverable.
sorry but? what is this wireless tx power apk that is in your blog? what it does?

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