Custom Sylvania ROM development

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Caution! Installing BusyBox bricked my tablet.
My tablet is a EX7 upgraded to 2.2.1 (Beta 4) though it also bricked my stock version.

It installed ok, but the tablet would not boot up again, I didnn't do anything with BusyBox, just installed it.

It was a soft brick, I could re-burn everything OK.

I got BusyBox from Amazon App market.

Thanks, the attached version and instructions works flawlessly each any every time it's been installed.

Unzip in to same directory as adb then run the following commands or cut/paste using RootExplorer and then use Android Terminal Emulator.

C:\>adb push busybox /data/local
C:\>adb shell

$ su

# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# cat /data/local/busybox > /system/xbin/busybox
# chmod 755 /system/xbin/busybox
# busybox --install /system/xbin
# mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# sync
# reboot
Busybox Command Help


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I'm a little confused about ADB?
Does this run on the tablet or a PC?
If tablet, how do I get to a C:> prompt ?

Also ADB seems to be only available with the entire Android development system package.
Or can I just get ADB?
I'm a little confused about ADB?
Does this run on the tablet or a PC?
If tablet, how do I get to a C:> prompt ?

Also ADB seems to be only available with the entire Android development system package.
Or can I just get ADB?

Good questions! I included the following two links in the Sticky:

These two sites provide enough information to start using Android Debug Bridge (adb) commands from your PC and execute on your tablet connected via wireless.

A Blog About Nothing.: Adb for "dummies"
15 Useful Android Terminal (adb Shell) Commands to Follow | Gadgets DNA

To create a wireless connection to adb the following application has been used with great success and may be available in one of the markets or online. adbWireless (Widget version) by MrSiir ""

While adb does require the download of the Android SDK it well worth it for serious development. For the casual user of Busybox commands the Android Terminal Emulator by Jack Palevich which is a VT-100 compatible terminal emulator for Android devices without the need to root is just as effective to run commands. Additional information about Android Terminal Emulator are here: jackpal / Android-Terminal-Emulator wiki
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by working backwards on the Froyo files, are you trying to get source code for the drivers and create a custom kernel?
by working backwards on the Froyo files, are you trying to get source code for the drivers and create a custom kernel?

Willing to try anything to create custom system.img that will burn with modifications including adding/removing applications (.apk). Things that don't work on some or all models are: auto rotation, Adobe Flash, some want Market included, others want unnecessary applications like File Explorer, Term, Phone, SAM, etc. removed. Some would like an updated version of busybox installed, others would like ROM pre-rooted. There are so many modifications wanted including an easy recovery method so that if you make a change and want to go back you don't have to start from scratch each time. Having the ability to have some level of customizations is the goal of a custom ROM.

Any assistance appreciated.
I have been searching for a good 12 hours total on how to edit the lock screen of the Flytouch II and I was wondering how I could find the file to do that? I want to revert it to the default lockscreen. Could you guys help us (rgocal and I)? I have the ramdisk unpacked just not the system.
Could you guys help us (rgocal and I)? I have the ramdisk unpacked just not the system.
We've been able to split and unpack most of all of the InfoTM Update Wrap (*.ius) files that have been identified using a combination of Staragulus's info, a Hex editor, and unyaffs-4k. Just recently, I've also got the "HTC Android Kitchen 0.157 - by dsixda (" working under Cygwin to unpack the system.img and Build ROM from working folder into an We just don't have a recovery method for the Sylvania that will allow us to burn a custom ROM.

So yes, we can assist with unpacking a valid system.img, not sure where the 'lock" screen process is located but could investigate along with using "apktool" to disassemble the apk's as we have with Settings.apk to find the automatic update process and hard coded "Model number" issue.

In which *.ius file is the system.img that needs to be unpacked? Original listing -
Updated list of all infoTMIC devices -
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I have a custom rom 3925. I could also use factory 3656. For 2.2 Froyo Flytouch II(2).

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!
Just got my tablet back. Fully upgraded to 2.2, with hardware version .7
Just checked and there is an update for mine already.
So my version was, now its
How/where do you see the full version number? On Settings > About Device only shows Android Version and Hardware ID.

Did a different update download and install other than the FileNum: that's been up on the update server for a while?

What did it start from and then update to?
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How/where do you see the full version number? On Settings > About Device only shows Android Version and Hardware ID.

Did a different update download and install other than the FileNum: that's been up on the update server for a while?

What did it start from and then update to?
When I hit "Update", and it downloaded and rebooted, it says "package is available, do you want to upgrade?", then you tap the screen to say yes.
Okay, I'm still learning my way around the deeper aspects of Android. Just curious... when it comes to the custom ROM option, how much do we really need to rely on Syl/DG? I mean, is this one where, if we could identify all the chipsets and such, someone could take the AOSP and run with it? Or is this more involved?
Okay, I'm still learning my way around the deeper aspects of Android. Just curious... when it comes to the custom ROM option, how much do we really need to rely on Syl/DG? I mean, is this one where, if we could identify all the chipsets and such, someone could take the AOSP and run with it? Or is this more involved?

Might be a bit more involved so always looking for some developers/programmers or more experienced users to take this to the next level.

On the USB mode: Expert burn screen of the IUW (InfoTM Update Wrap) burn tool the following items are listed:



Each of these parts of the ROM/firmware/operating system can be customized providing different functionality.

With a customized U0 which is also known as u-boot-nand.bin we could possibly get a recovery menu as pictured below on a SuperPad. This would allow us to apply custom updates using a very simple located on a microSD card. Devices like the nookcolor and many phones have this capability allowing for the non-technical user to update their device without a lot of hassle.


With a customized system.img, applications could be added/updated or removed so that if the device had to be factory reset all of those changes wouldn't have to be done again manually.

With a customized ramdisk.img or recovery ramdisk things like USB debugging or apps to SD could be enabled.

There's a lot that could be done if we had a few developers willing to work on this tablet otherwise we're at the mercy of DG (infoTMIC).
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