i use app2sd with this script for a while but i am not happy with stability.
i am thinking to use differrent way to move apps/data to sd card but i am not familiar with how android works, linux scripting, or how the linux file system.
the easiest way for me is to unpack boot.img and edit a few lines in init.rc to mount /data to sd card partition so the tablet will think sdcard partition as internal storage.

i also compile kernel to add ext3/ext4 support and tried with ext4 partition but it seems ext2 partition have better performance.
need some advice from android/linux guru here, is it ok to move all data to sd using this way?
i am thinking to use differrent way to move apps/data to sd card but i am not familiar with how android works, linux scripting, or how the linux file system.
the easiest way for me is to unpack boot.img and edit a few lines in init.rc to mount /data to sd card partition so the tablet will think sdcard partition as internal storage.

i also compile kernel to add ext3/ext4 support and tried with ext4 partition but it seems ext2 partition have better performance.
need some advice from android/linux guru here, is it ok to move all data to sd using this way?