Error message when trying to download.

Hi, welcome to the forum :) So you were successful in creating the card but are now having trouble downloading apps from the Play Store is that correct?

Try going into Settings>App>All apps and finding the Play Store app. Then wipe data/cache and do the same for Google Services Frame work. Reboot and try the store again.

Yes that is correct. I'm also having trouble with a few things giving me an error message and then force closing.

Also I tryed clearing the data as you suggested and still have the same problem.
Have you been running fine for a while and just recently ran into problems or have you just set it up and are experiencing these issues from the beginning?
I only set it up today so from the beginning. However, I hope I'm not jinxing myself, everything seems to be working now. I cleared the caches and rebooted a few times and now there are no problems. Thank you for your help.
Woo hoo! Glad I could help(?). Since you just set it up, if you continue to see problems the best thing to do is reformat the card and start from scratch to make sure you get a good install. It really isn't as bad as it sounds after you have done it once or twice.
