Everything seems to be going wrong with my Nook Color


Does B&N tech. support mean Erase and Deregister Device from Device Info doesn't work? You should be able to do that yourself without B&N's help. Have you tried it?

edit: since you can boot into it now, you should be able to run Phiremod or any ROM via microSD. But if you plan to flash to eMMC, I'd rather have the device registered to me before I do that.
How do I deregister it myself? I have hit "reset" under "device info" several times before and after my call to tech support, and I still get the same error.

Flashing to eMMC means the ROM would always be on the device vs having a stock device where the ROM remains on the sdcard right?
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How do I deregister it myself? I have hit "reset" under "device info" several times before and after my call to tech support, and I still get the same error.

Flashing to eMMC means the ROM would always be on the device vs having a stock device where the ROM remains on the sdcard right?

I've attached the manual. Erase and Deregister Device on page 99. You should have that option under device info.

edit: yes, the flashing to eMMC would mean you're installing the rom on the device (erasing whatever rom is already there).


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There are two ways to deregister
Your device, the easier: go to setting-erase and deregister device.
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I just realized that you were actually already trying to erase and deregister it. Well, I guess the next best thing would be to bring it to B&N.
How do I get into settings?

Actually, that is where you were to get to device info if I'm not mistaken. Sorry, I have CM7 on my eMMC now so I can't really look. Maybe you could call up B&N again as I read that them doing the deregistration for you should work. If it didn't, you will probably have to bring it back.

Just a thought, can you try it using an unsecured wifi connection? I've read that one B&N tech suggested that.
I performed the 8 reboots, and my Nook did a factory reset and OTA update. Now it boots into stock v1.1.0. I see the pretty lady, there's a video, I get to accept a B&N agreement, I connect to either of my wireless connections, but after I enter my account name and password it always says "Error sorry we're having trouble setting up your Nookcolor. Please shutdown the device and try again...." It gives me a number to call so I do. After a long bewildering conversation with tech support, I'm told that my device was once registered to someone else (which I already suspected having purchased it on ebay). I'm told that in order to fix the problem they are going remove the old account from the device, and that when I restart it in an hour I will be one with the Nookcolor universe. It has been many hours, and I am still getting same error message.

Should I continue down this path with customer service (who are failing to inspire me), take it into the Barnes and Noble store this weekend (I don't have a receipt but it at least it boots into stock now), or just go ahead and load phiremod 6.3 (which is my end goal, but I want to make sure I don't take one step forward and then two steps back now that I've gotten this far)?

Wulfie, slow down a second and give B&N a chance to help you. Yes I realize they said it would be an hour but maybe they are having backend issues. The erase & deregister might be working locally on your device but maybe they need to clear it from their servers as well. Have a little patience and see if they can help. It may require another call.

You don't need to do this to run a custom ROM but like ShutterPeep said since you are back to stock I'd rather have it cleared up at this stage before going forward. Give it a day or two and see if you can get the erase & deregister resolved with customer service.

Good news everybody Barnes and Noble tech support came through and reset my device. It appears that I have a stock 1.1 Nook Color and all is well. I am even connected and able to browse the internet. Does this mean I am ready to start flashing new ROMs onto it, or should I do more testing while it is still stock?
I wouldn't say testing, just see what all the buttons are , get to know your device so if you have to derrgister again you'll know where «settings» is. Enjoy your nook!

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Good news everybody Barnes and Noble tech support came through and reset my device. It appears that I have a stock 1.1 Nook Color and all is well. I am even connected and able to browse the internet. Does this mean I am ready to start flashing new ROMs onto it, or should I do more testing while it is still stock?

That is great! You could leave it on stock and play around with different roms on SD first. When you decide which you prefer, then maybe make the jump to flash on eMMC. I know Phiremod is a heavily themed CM7 version then there's Ultimate Droid which also originally came from CM7 or Nookie Froyo, etc.

Then there's always rooting to begin with of course. I know you wanted Phiremod but the current CM7 nightlies are really stable. Couple that with the latest OC kernel, the NC becomes a beast!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Good news everybody Barnes and Noble tech support came through and reset my device. It appears that I have a stock 1.1 Nook Color and all is well. I am even connected and able to browse the internet. Does this mean I am ready to start flashing new ROMs onto it, or should I do more testing while it is still stock?

Nothing to test but I would suggest making a bootable CWR SD and getting a nanroid backup right now while everytihng is stock and clean. Can't hurt to have a clean backup before doing anything else.

Thank you so very much for your help everybody. I have really learned a lot through this process, and I look forward to hopefully being able to contribute at some point in the future.

Good call on the nandroid backup JP.

I just found the CM7 nightlies, and I have to say I am quite overwhelmed by them. There are so many how would I choose? As I mentioned in my original post, this is a now belated birthday gift for my sis so I need a ROM that is stable since she wouldn't know what to do if it became buggy. I wish I could find a ROM with swype included since I know that would really impress her.

I have flashed a few overclock kernels before, but I did that through a ROM manager. Where would I find a collection of kernels? I'm also guessing that not all 1.3ghz kernels of similar voltage, for instance, are created equally.

Also, since I want to install a few important apps for her, would I be able to log in with my google account on the device, use the market, and then remove my account by wiping the data of the "Account and Sync Settings" in Titanium Backup? If there's no way to work around that, then no sweat. I'll be happy just giving her a wicked fast Android Tablet if I have to.
Well, if you really want peace of mind, then go with the stable release for CM7 (7.0.3). Phiremod 6.3 is based from that but already includes an OC kernel for up to 1.2Ghz


You could go with one of the current nightlies based on feedback of the users. If ROM manager tells you a new nightly came out, don't immediately update, watch for feedback from others first. But they are really "stable" as far as the NC is concerned so I would suggest going with 102 onwards. We're currently at 107 which I'm trying right now. Point to note, these current nightlies use the newer OC kernels (dated June - 060911, 061311, 061811) Here they are: Index of /~dalingrin/nook/kernels

From general feedback, it is best to stay at a max of 1.3GHz for OC. You could go higher but it seems to make the NC unstable from 1325 MHz onward for most.

If you do go with CM7, then don't forget to install "Nook Tweaks" app from Dalingrin. It's on the market. You can manage over-clocking from there. You can also boost the internal speaker volume or headset volume to your liking.

I can't answer your question regarding the google account as I haven't tried it. Let's wait for the helpful crew here to chime in.
