Anyway, how I finally fixed it was this:
1. Create a bootable sd with Froyo
2. Enable USB debugging in the Settings - Applications - Development menu
3. Connect Nook with USB cable
4. Install CWR apk via ADB
a) Download View attachment 1092 somewhere easy to find and unzip it
b) Use this command to install via ADB: adb install cwr.apk or adb install c:\path-to-file\cwr.apk
5. Disconnect Nook from USB cable
6. Open ROM Manager
7. Flash ClockworkMod Recovery
8. Power off Nook manually
9. Power on Nook - this should load you directly into Clockwork Recovery Mode
10. Select 'Reboot'
Can I suggest the following modifications to the step-by-step's:
4 b) Use this command to install via ADB: adb install cwrom.apk or adb install c:\path-to-file\cwrom.apk
[The name of the unzipped file is actually cwrom.apk, not cwr.apk.]
Add a Step 6b -- Turn on WiFi and select your network/enter network password.
[I couldn't get it to Flash unless Wifi was on.]
Add a Step 8b? -- Remove SD card.
[I think we want to boot up into internal here, not Froyo SD card again, right?]
Is Step 9 correct? 9. Power on Nook - this should load you directly into Clockwork Recovery Mode.
[It rebooted back into my usual (customized) Nook environment, not into CWR. Thankfully! Because that's what I wanted to see!!