FroYo/2.2 Coming Week of April 11?

Ok so I had a wonderful well thought out post that I had written last night and then....My browser crashed(lousy dev channel) So after dabbing the tears off my keyboard and getting a decent nights sleep I am going to give it another shot....

This is indeed a fantastic thread but I feel as though a few points have been missed so here goes... The Nook Color is what is known in business terms as a "loss leader" Loss leader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I would bet they don't make a dime on the Hardware but as pointed out they make that up on books, subscriptions etc. What I think everyone is missing is that there is a reason the bootloader was left unlocked. We here and the fine folks over at Cyanogen and XDA are doing the majority of the heavy lifting, for free. Those of us on any CM7 based ROM are utilizing an OS that isn't even available for most Android phones. And B&N didn't have to pay a cent to anyone and yet the dev community has enabled their hardware to become second only to the iPad @3 million units sold.

I believe that Nook Color 2,and even 3 are already long into development. I would bet that NC2 has been in development since long before NC 1. Probably soon after the release of the original Nook. Tech does not exist in a vacuum. These things take years to develop. I remember reading about the iPhone4, members of the press were allowed to tour the testing facilities. It was mentioned by the technician that the "testing chamber" had been built 8-9 years ago. In other words they have been working on the iphone for almost a decade. While Apple has always been a bit ahead of the curve (since the return of St. Jobs anyway) it stands to reason that the bulk of the industry has deep, deep, development behind any new device.

The same can be said for Amazon. Someone mentioned in another thread that the Amazon Appstore was a shot across the bow, I couldn't agree more. If you read the terms of use they discuss the "install from unknown sources" issue and the fact that generally to get the most out of your Android you have to have root. We know this, B&N knows this. Hell Google knows it why do you think they don't want to release the HC source code. Aside from Cyanogens twitter musings that it is probably chock full of really ugly, slapdash work arounds, its because they want to see what can be done with the sources already available. Why pay internal developers to improve your code when the rabid open-source community will do it for you.

I think that Amazon is going to have a Color Kindle on their virtual shelves before summer. I would also bet that a NC2 is out and about by the fall.

Free Markets are Good, Competition is Good, we are on the cusp, and by way of our lovely little slabs(mittle Nookie is so cute) intimately involved in the fastest growing personal computing market in quite some time. B&N have risen to prominence because they have A) Produced a superlative piece of equipment at an unbelievable price B) Allowed the bootloader to be manipulated by those who can C) Produced a gadget that is almost impossible to brick(heheh I've tried) and D) If not fully embraced the dev community, certainly haven't limited what that can cook up and boot into on this little wonder.

I can't wait to see what the 2.2 update brings. I will stay on CM7(the tablet tweaks are the shizzle) but I am anxious to see what they bring to the table.

So very exciting and so nice to have our amazing, supportive and outgoing community to go along with it.

It really is a great time to be a gadget fiend.

There. Not quite as eloquent and erudite as it was last night but I think I've gotten my point across.

Also as has been mentioned/discussed/lauded all over this forum;

You Guys/Gals Rock. This really is one of the best online communities I have ever come across. It's and honor and a delight to check in as often as I have time. I learn something new every day and am blown away by the level of understanding and respect that flows through here. It really is truly amazing.

So give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back. And lets start talking about Nook Color 5. I bet it'll be here before we know it.


Local Stain
Excellent points LS!
Thanks man! Been chewing on a number of these tidbits for a while now and after the development announcement yesterday it seemed the best time to gather them together and spit them out. Very exciting stuff to say the least.
Thanks man! Been chewing on a number of these tidbits for a while now and after the development announcement yesterday it seemed the best time to gather them together and spit them out. Very exciting stuff to say the least.
Damn, I had my counter-points all ready to go. :p But it's Friday, and that was a very enthusiastic, well-laid out argument. I wish I could agree, in fact I HOPE you're right!

Damn, I had my counter-points all ready to go. :p But it's Friday, and that was a very enthusiastic, well-laid out argument. I wish I could agree, in fact I HOPE you're right!

It wasn't intended as a basis for any argument, although I have never shied away from a spirited debate:cool: As I said just some things I have been thinking about while sloughing through the banter on the interwebs.

I would be more than interested to hear your counter-points but as we are on the cusp of the weekend I am certain it can wait:). My guess is that you are not alone in your position and that others may step up and toss the gauntlet at my feet. I really don't shy away but would rather encourage a civil discourse on the subject we all hold near and dear...

Our Mittle Nookies.

Thanks for the comments Matt. I am glad you enjoyed the post.
I would be more than interested to hear your counter-points but as we are on the cusp of the weekend I am certain it can wait:). My guess is that you are not alone in your position and that others may step up and toss the gauntlet at my feet. I really don't shy away but would rather encourage a civil discourse on the subject we all hold near and dear...
Ah, but my "piss and vinegar" will be gone by Monday. Still, your advice is good, and I'm going to break a bad habit of mine (afterall, I did put the word RANT in my screenname!) and take it.

Even better, I want to try and bite my stubborn, ungrateful, disagreeable tongue, and wait until we see Froyo. I think that will put joy in the air, and I'm sure I'll have a different outlook. And it's only days (right?) away.

And the thanks goes to you for reminding us what possibilities might lie ahead. :)

Local Stain I had the same kind of thoughts for a while now. I would even go a step further in a way. I believe a company like B&N, known for books and not for computers, before deciding to enter and be competitive in the android market, would hire the best market strategysts.That's what I see here : an amazing market strategy:.let's put the nook on the market as an e- reader so nobody is going to kill us from the start and let' s play on people psycology( I can root my e- reader and turn it into an android tablet when eh he I just payed only for an e- reader!) I believe everything has been planned...I wouldn' t be surprised if any of the guys who developed the rooting sequence and more are on B&N. payroll. Let's go back for a moment when the nook came out. It was the same day of the release of the Galaxy and. the Huaweii tablets. Even if the Nook was unlocked the press woul have killed it because it wasn' t better than the Galaxy and- what the hell got into B&N ...they are really thinking they can make android tablets now? -So they put it , on the market as an e- reader but a COLOR e- reader and they knew they would make their money there and the reviews would be good. Then they sat back crossing their legs after they put a couple of developers on their payroll to show everybody the LIGHT ( rooting, flushing rooms, phyremod and CM7...) and waited to see how far people who bought the nook wanted them to go and if the same people would trust a book company enough to buy the Nook 5 , the next generation in android tablets.
Hope my point come across as clear as it would be in Italian, my first language!
Local Stain I had the same kind of thoughts for a while now. I would even go a step further in a way. I believe a company like B&N, known for books and not for computers, before deciding to enter and be competitive in the android market, would hire the best market strategysts.That's what I see here : an amazing market strategy:.let's put the nook on the market as an e- reader so nobody is going to kill us from the start and let' s play on people psycology( I can root my e- reader and turn it into an android tablet when eh he I just payed only for an e- reader!) I believe everything has been planned...I wouldn' t be surprised if any of the guys who developed the rooting sequence and more are on B&N. payroll. Let's go back for a moment when the nook came out. It was the same day of the release of the Galaxy and. the Huaweii tablets. Even if the Nook was unlocked the press woul have killed it because it wasn' t better than the Galaxy and- what the hell got into B&N ...they are really thinking they can make android tablets now? -So they put it , on the market as an e- reader but a COLOR e- reader and they knew they would make their money there and the reviews would be good. Then they sat back crossing their legs after they put a couple of developers on their payroll to show everybody the LIGHT ( rooting, flushing rooms, phyremod and CM7...) and waited to see how far people who bought the nook wanted them to go and if the same people would trust a book company enough to buy the Nook 5 , the next generation in android tablets.
Hope my point come across as clear as it would be in Italian, my first language!

Crystal Clear Sister, though my knowledge of Italiano is mostly limited to the foodstuffs (my forte I might add is Italian food, I am a chef after all) I am certain that the Italian translation would be beautiful.

It seems as though you and I have drunk the same Kool-Aid. I think that your concise paraphrasing of my ramble is spot on.

The beauty of open-source.
Ok so I had a wonderful well thought out post that I had written last night and then....My browser crashed(lousy dev channel) So after dabbing the tears off my keyboard and getting a decent nights sleep I am going to give it another shot....

This is indeed a fantastic thread but I feel as though a few points have been missed so here goes... The Nook Color is what is known in business terms as a "loss leader" Loss leader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I would bet they don't make a dime on the Hardware but as pointed out they make that up on books, subscriptions etc. What I think everyone is missing is that there is a reason the bootloader was left unlocked. We here and the fine folks over at Cyanogen and XDA are doing the majority of the heavy lifting, for free. Those of us on any CM7 based ROM are utilizing an OS that isn't even available for most Android phones. And B&N didn't have to pay a cent to anyone and yet the dev community has enabled their hardware to become second only to the iPad @3 million units sold.
Do you have any evidence to support your claim that the nook color is priced as a "loss leader"? I don't have any, either in support or refutation of such a claim. But I DO know that every consumer electronic device that is sold as a loss leader is clamped down tightly and legal action taken against anyone who unlocks/roots/jailbreaks that device. The fact that B&N has been eerily silent on rooting tells me that they aren't taking a loss on each nook color sale.

I will continue to stand by my belief that B&N will morph the nook color into a full-fledged Android tablet over time. They are brilliantly growing the nook color customer base primarily by hiding behind the "color ereader" label. Detractors can't take shots at the deficiencies of the nook color as a tablet because it isn't marketed as a tablet. This gives B&N time to work (behind the scenes) and rework the underlying Android OS and apps to make a real polished offering. By the time they pull the covers off and reveal the tablet functionality, it will be a win-win for them and for existing nook color owners. There are many already who are choosing a rooted nook color over a Motorola Xoom or Samsung Galaxy Tab. That's saying a lot.

But obviously time will tell.
Unless they're expanding their business model, I kind of think they will maintain the ereader profile and market it as having some, or maybe most, android tablet capabilities. It keeps them out of the intense competition of the main tablet arena with the big boys and, which has been said before, deflects negative comments.