Go from autonoote stock ROM 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 manualnooter.. is it worth it??


Mar 16, 2011
Hey all,

I have been playing with my autonootered OC'd 1.1.0 rooted NC for about 6 months. Recently have been playing with CM7 on sd, with some issues, not since it is on the sd, not a huge issue.

I have enjoyed the stock ROM being rooted so far, but am looking to get to a point where flash and videos/streaming from the web will work. I know the B&N 1.2 updated stock ROM is supposed to have flash support.

As I have been poking around the usual threads/sites it looks like the manualnooter for 1.2 is fairly solid and the process is to get back to stock 1.0.1, install 1.2 and then use manualnooter.

- is this correct? Do you have to go back to stock (no root, no CWR) to load 1.2 so you can re-root with manualnooter (I think yes, but want to confirm).
- has anyone made this move (from pre-1.2 stock ROM (rooted) to 1.2 rooted via manualnooter?
----> If yes, is it worth it? Is it stable?

I most likely will move to a different ROM eventually, but need to ensure it is very stable. So going to 1.2 with manualnooter may be good step in right direction, and then I can keep playing with ROM's via sd until I find something I feel good about.

Hoping others have the same questions as me (and possibly others, please add those here), so figured a new thread may be good.

Don't need to get into the details of the work invovled (that is all covered elsewhere), just looking for opinions on making the move.

Yep, sounds like you have the basics figured out. 1.2 is stable and does bring flash which is obviously nice. Other than that it is nearly the same as the prvious B&N versions (slight tweaks here and there like a new boot screen and extras on the B&N menu now being apps).

So first backup what you have now and are happy with. To back upp apps and data use Titanium backup and to capture your current setup use CWR (from SD or internal) to make a nandroid backup. That way you know you can easily revert.

Then you need to follow the restore thread and get back to stock. Update to 1.2 through B&N then make a nandroid backup (has to be from bootable CWR SD to do this). Then manual root. Once rooted make another nandroid backup so you can always come back to stock 1.2 or rooted 1.2 simply by using CWR and flashing you nandoird backup file.

Finally restore any apps and data via Titanium Backup. Hopefully it will all go smooth and easy since the methods to do all of these steps are well established and have been done successfully many times now.


Couple follow-up questions:

- was looking at this thread regarding reverting back to stock directly to 1.2 via CWR: [Q] question on getting rooted 1.2 from autonooter 1.1 [Archive] - xda-developers
---> the first link in this thread has zip files that are supposed to be used to flash directly to stock 1.2 (unrooted). From there you are supposed to manualnooter and be good to go. However, it sounds like there may be some issues and I want to make sure I use the process that is most robust (not easiest, just most robust). Do you have any knowledge of using this option?

- the other threads I saw talked about removing CWR, going back to 1.0.1, and taking the 1.2 OTA update from B&N (or installing it manually if needed) like here:
[RECOVERY][ZIP] Nook Color Restore to stock - xda-developers

---> is this the way you would go? Do we need to remove CWR to get this all done or can you keep CWR like in first option?

Have been looking to find the best thread/set of instructions to get this done and the 2 above options are obviously very different so not sure which path to take. Also, thanks for the warning on creating the backups first. I actually have just done both nandroid, and titanium so am all set there in case I need to revert back to what I have now.

Thanks as usual!

Thinking maybe just following this thread but using the 1.2 stock zip file instead would work fine:

--> Seems like this thread has instructions to do it right and flash back to fully stock ROM (unrooted) with no CWR so that you could then truly be like starting from scratch like you just bought a new NC and was going to manualnooter it....thoughts?
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Surf, that first link, 4th post is a good find. I was unaware that anybody had put the 1.2 restore file out there (which is actually here xda-developers - View Single Post - [UPDATE ZIP] Stock 1.2 update.zip flashable from CWM). In theory it should work just fine. Unfortunately I haven't see anybody comment on it here and verify that the files and process work.

All the rest you listed is the usual stuff. You did add the one twist of following the restore procedure but using the 1.2 update at the end. That again depends on the 1.2 file provided.

Personally this is what I would do.

1. Have a bootable CWR SD card just in case (or at least the files ready to burn one if you need to).
2. Pick the 1.2 file you want, with or without the CWM. Clear you caches and flash this zip.
3. If you picked the 1.2 without CWM use the bootable SD to make your nandroid of the stock image (so you have your own incase the link above ever goes away). If you picked with CWM boot into recovery and make the nandroid.
4. Root it make sure market works etc. then make another nandroid of your rooted 1.2.

If that process doesn't work then you can fall back to the other procedures which completely wipe your Nook and factory reset, then manual update to 1.2 and go from there.

Thanks JP. Your thoughts are in line with mine. I'll go ahead and give it a try, keeping track of what I do so that I can report back with the steps I took, so others can follow if needed. I think I'll go with the 1.2 file with CWR just because it may make it a bit easier overall (I am used to using CWR from emmc).

Fingers crossed :)
Success and it was the easiest install to date!

Here are the steps I went through:
- prior to doing anything I created nandroid backup of old/existing NC and a full Titanium backup and put those in safe place.
- Created CWR bootable/flashable sd card (threads all over for this so not reposting details)
- added the the 1.2 update zip that includes CWR (xda-developers - View Single Post - [UPDATE ZIP] Stock 1.2 update.zip flashable from CWM) to root of sd card
- with Nook Color off, I put in sdcard and booted up.
- CWR comes up as expected.
- Cleared cache
- went to mount and storage and formated /system and then /data
- went to install zip from sd card and chose the 1.2 update keepcwr zip file.
- once that was done, I went to back to mount and storage menu and unmounted sd card. Then removed card.
- then went to main CWR menu and selected reboot.
- the NC booted up fine (a bit slow initially) into the standard NC launcher with 1.2 installed.
- went through setup and registered the device and all went fine.
- with same sdcard, I added the manualnooter4.6.16.zip file to root.
- shut down NC, inserted the sdcard and booted up.
- boots into CWR as expected.
- created nandroid backup.
- once done with backup went into install zip from sdcard, selected the manualnooter zip and away it went.
- once done it says to remove sdcard and reboot so I did (removed card, went to reboot menu option in CWR and selected it).
- booted up fine, this time seeing the new nootered logo screen (color!!)
- selected zeam launcher (set to default as well) and viola! My nook is back, with 1.2 B&N Stock rom with root!
- possibly make another nandroid backup at this point as well.
- I confirmed the market opened OK, had to sign in with gmail account as usual and accept Ts&Cs.
---> note here: the initial market looked like the old version. however, almost instantly it show there were updates ready to download and the spinning arrows showed up like things were updating (auto update I expect). I selected to update Youtube, let it run, closed the market, move the market icon to my home page from app drawer, opened it up again and this time it was the new market. So I think it was download/updating the market app as well after the initial opening of the older version. not 100% sure, but thought I would mention it.
- NOTE: do NOT update Adobe Flash or Air from market (i.e. Flash 10.3) or you'll fall into a boot loop issue (Nook Colo... Nook Colo... over and over). There is a flash (10.1 I think) installed with MN so that should be good enough.

So far all is well, my purchased apps show up (in the list as no installed yet) and I'll get to that tomorrow.

The one question I have now is how best to restore as much data/apps/etc from my titanium backup as possible? do I install apps from market first and then do the titanium restore or just use the titanium restore?
--> answered this... just use Titanium to restore missing apps and data and all worked fine (use batch mode to make it even easier).

So far good stuff. Looking forward to GPS/location fix and I'll have to determine if I want to fork over the money to get Touchdown to allow for work email from Exchange to work on this thing. Being able to get Exchange email natively without Touchdown was nice before, but it didn't sync very well, and I know Touchdown is a great app from the reviews I read, so we'll see.

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Surf, that is awesome. Thanks for the summary and confirmation that the 1.2 zip files are good to go. I know that will make life a lot easier for people that want to restore since they can now restore to 1.2 instead of back to the previous versions.

Damn! Appears I have been burned by the Adobe Flash 10.3 update boot loop issue.... folks reading this that are about to flash to 1.2 and root, DO NOT update/install Adobe Flash or Air from the market!!

Also, make sure to create nandroid backup right after you root so you that backup to go to if needed. I didn't create one until after I updated Flash to 10.3 so that backup is worthless now... :(

I'll be going through the process above again now.... sigh

Updated my post above to include backup step and noted not to install/update Adobe Flash 10.3 (or Air).
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Ok so my adobe updated automatically and now I'm looping so I guess I have to do it again right? This hasn't been fixed yet?