Got Netflix working on A500?! I do! XD

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could post their original file for the a500. I did the netflix patch but accidentally overwrote the file instead of backing it up.
How much is Netflix? Could it stream outside the USA?

Got it working without a problem so far. Although the video quality is not as good as on my iphone/ipad for some reason. Do I need to tweak some settings to get the best quality?

And you can watch netflix outside the US. Try googling for VPN clients, like openvpn. My next step is to configure that and be able to use netflix outside the US when traveling.

thanks for the tutorial!!!
Does anyone have original file? I did not backup the file when replacing it for the NetFlix patch. Thanks.
Not working over here. I get the below error message. I think it's worth noting however that I flashed my a500 with a ported asus tf101 honeycomb 3.2 rom. Not sure if doing that would cause this problem though.

"This device cannot instantly stream from Netflix in your area. Visit to see a full list of devices that instantly stream from Netflix."

Upon going to Netflix Canadas website I can see that only apple products are listed. No android to be found at all in the Canadian site. :(

Anyone have a fix, or am I out of luck for being Canadian? *sniff* *sniff*
I followed the procedure and it worked like a charm streaming movies no problem, the next day it was back to the could not connect error message. I have not been able to stream since. Any ideas.
So, i was able to get netflix to work barely. It was super choppy at first then went to play normal. But now I cant use the any browser!!!!!! The minute you open it and go to yahoo, msnbc, nbc etc it crashes the browser. Do it enough times and the whole tablet reboots, downloaded different browsers same thing happens :(
Not working over here. I get the below error message. I think it's worth noting however that I flashed my a500 with a ported asus tf101 honeycomb 3.2 rom. Not sure if doing that would cause this problem though.

"This device cannot instantly stream from Netflix in your area. Visit to see a full list of devices that instantly stream from Netflix."

Upon going to Netflix Canadas website I can see that only apple products are listed. No android to be found at all in the Canadian site. :(

Anyone have a fix, or am I out of luck for being Canadian? *sniff* *sniff*

The process worked for me Pygo.
Canadian here. I followed the XDA version that included a zip file and used CWM to install it but it does the same thing as the manual overwrite listed in the OP.
Im new here so im sure these will be silly questions, what else does root change? Does this mean we are changing a single file or much more? Also I couldnt care less about the video not working on the rear camera. but i do use the front camera to tango with family and friends. im unsure which camera your are refering to that stops working. the one above the screen or the one on the back of the tablet. Like everyone else I would love to be able to use my netflix on this tablet so ill print these instructions so i dont mess with the wrong file as per your warning. Any chance there is a way to backup the whole device to an external hd incase things go terribly wrong?
So I have to root my tablet to get Netflix to work? My A500 was just updated to 3.2 and Netflix runs but when I select a movie to watch I get the message that it cannot connect to the Netflix service
Updated to Android 3.2 this morning and then downloaded the zip file on the first thread. Worked like a dream. Haven't tried the camera yet. But I gotta agree with the person that said they would rather have netflix.
I installed the 141 version and its streaming perfectly video camera and regular camera also work

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum