Greets from a newb!


Senior Member
May 21, 2011
I just got my first tablet yesterday. It's an Android 2.2 7in Epad. I have no experience with any sort of touch screen devices so it is all new to me. However I've been a network admin for many years so I pick up this sort of thing fairly quick. It connected to my wireless network at home in just seconds.

It's primarily for personal use but I'll also be testing it for possible use by the techs at my work to replace aging laptops. They primarily use laptops for downloading and viewing technical manuals in the field while on service calls so a tablet might just work for them.

Personally, I just sorta caught the tablet fever and when I saw the crazy low prices for an Epad on Ebay I said why not? I ran across this forum via Google while looking for an app and it looked like a good place to start my Android education. I'm glad to meet you all. My names John :)
Welcome John, you will definitely learn a lot in these forums. Tablets are getting cheaper and cheaper but if you want a blazing fast one, they will set you back around $400.