Haipad with Android 2.2 Hot!

Hi dgcorrea

I used the one provided by Loonix in his previous post that has the correct CRC.

The most annoying problem is wrong battery indicator.

I can survive with no stereo sound but I need this meter badly :-(

I also noticed that starting from today Google says szhaipad.com is blocked for malware detection.

Does anyone has any evidence?
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I also noticed that starting from today Google says szhaipad.com is blocked for malware detection.

Does anyone has any evidence?

Evidence is a hard thing to come by ^^
It seems szhaipad was hacked and a new 'download' named "qweqwe" infused.
That download has a picture linked from 8866.org which has been identified as malicious code.
I hope they fix it soon.
Evidence is a hard thing to come by ^^
It seems szhaipad was hacked and a new 'download' named "qweqwe" infused.
That download has a picture linked from 8866.org which has been identified as malicious code.
I hope they fix it soon.
Good not to hear that ROMs were hacked ;-)
Anyway you are right about "evidence ".
Hope they fix it and maybe release an official 2.2 too (or maybe 2.3)
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软件下载 >> Haipad M7 0322

Haipad M7 0322 软件语言:简体中文
文件大小:906000 整理日期:2011/3/26 下载次数:13221 ::下载地址:: ┊下载地址┊ ::下载说明::此固件可以支持USB有线网卡,可以直接接网线了。网卡型号AX88772,也就是以前M701用的USB有线网卡。
3G添加两种EVDO型号: 华为HUAWEI EC122, 中兴ZTE AC2736.
华为E220 E1750 E156G

华为HUAWEI EC122, 中兴ZTE AC2736.

I stick with 2.2.
I also discovered that setting airplane mode still allows Wi-Fi to work and battery lasts much longer (but always says full change )
is 2.2 functional yet,,, been waiting for a while .. kind of been busy with the new phone. so would like to reflash the m701..
also seen a post about 2.3 released for m701....
The Gingerbread release is actually quite good and only needs minor tweaking. I think interest in the Froyo firmware will evaporate in light of the 2.3 firmware that just came out. You may definitely want to consider it if you're going to reflash your tablet anyway.

Just flashed the 2.3 Rom and it looks cool!
The only problem I'm facing is the nasty "you have no calendars" error.
Tried all the suggestions found in the forums with no luck!
All the rest works: sound and battery meter included
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