Hello. New to the tablet scene and learning what I can


Oct 14, 2011
Hello. I don't have a tablet, yet, but hoping to get one soon. I became familiar with Android when I got my D2, and later stepped up to a DX. I was recently exposed to tablets and iPads and have been learning what I can about them. I am wanting to find the best, but reasonably priced, android tablets with a 10" screen. Looking for something with HDMI, WiFi, GPS, USB and SD or Micro/SD capabilities. Oh, and an unlocked or unlockable bootloader would also be nice. :D Not really concerned about 3G/4G as I'll probably just use the hotspot on my DX when needing a wifi signal. Anybody have any suggestions and what I should look at, as well as to which ones to avoid?

Thank you.
Hello, welcome to the forum. Glad to have you as a new member of Android Tablets Forum. Sounds like you've been doing a little research and have a sense of what you want in a tablet. The best place to go on the forum for "shopping advice" is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm moving your post to that section for you. When you're there, read through the "Stickys" at the beginning and then look through the threads that are already there. If any questions come to mind, post them to threads that are already there discussing the topic you're interested in. If there is no existing thread for your topic, create a new thread for it. Have fun out there in the forum!:cool: