Help - Boot Loop trying to boot into recovery for first time!


Staff member
Jan 21, 2011
I am rooting a new nook and just started the Clockwork thread steps.

I installed Rom Manager
I flashed CWR
I pressed Reboot to Recovery

And now the NC is looping at the "Touch The Future of Reading" screen...

Holding power and the N doesn't do anything. All I can do is hold power in until it powers off. But I can't get into recovery console. Anything I can tr before starting over?


I am searching and reading XDA and others but having a hard time finding my specific issue and one that doesn't tell me to do the 8 times thing cause I can't do that for some reason in this loop.

OK, it seems the error I made was trying to immediately boot into recovery after flashing the CWR. Once you flash, exit CWR and power off the Nook manually and then power on; then use CWR to boot into recovery to create your first backup.

I am not sure why this happened on this Nook (which is 1.0.1) and not my other Nook (which is 1.0.0) but the versions may have been the difference.

Anyway, how I finally fixed it was this:

1. Create a bootable sd with Froyo
2. Enable USB debugging in the Settings - Applications - Development menu
3. Connect Nook with USB cable
4. Install CWR apk via ADB
a) Download View attachment $ somewhere easy to find and unzip it
b) Use this command to install via ADB: adb install cwr.apk or adb install c:\path-to-file\cwr.apk
5. Disconnect Nook from USB cable
6. Open ROM Manager
7. Flash ClockworkMod Recovery
8. Power off Nook manually
9. Power on Nook - this should load you directly into Clockwork Recovery Mode
10. Select 'Reboot'

That's it. I would recommend doing a backup of EVERYTHING now so you have something to recover from in case something worse happens.
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I tried to remove sd card to maybe make a difference, nope, still looping.

I tried to put it in the AutoNooter sd card to restart nooting to make a difference, yup, now it won't power on.

What have I done?

I removed all sd cards, plugged into charger, help power for about 20 seconds, and it powers.... right back into the "Touch the Future of Reading" boot loop. :(

I am supposed to have this puppy all ready to hand over tomorrow. Looks like I will be up all night tonight.
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same thing happened to me, I am assuming something went wrong while CWM was flashing recovery.

Anyway, when you put AutoNooter sdcard in, it is actually on, its in the autonooter boot. What i have done is created a Froyo sdcard and i have it booting on that... I am guessing if i can find a way to get CWM installed on froyo i will be able to reflash recovery and should be ok... problem is i cant figure out how to get CWM on lol.

i cant surf because the browser crashes before i can even load a page and ADB isnt recognizing that the device is connected while its in froyo...

Will post if i figure something out
In my tutorial I should add to reboot the NC after you install CWR and not to try to reboot straight to it. It looks like it needs a reboot to finalize the CWR installation. Booting straight to it causes you to be stuck between a rock and a hard place (stock recovery and clockworkmod recovery).

Since the stock recovery is still somewhat in charge, do step 1 of the factory reset: the 8 turn on interrupts. This should fix boot up without wiping your data. Then reflash CWR in Rom manager and just reboot.
same thing happened to me, I am assuming something went wrong while CWM was flashing recovery.

Anyway, when you put AutoNooter sdcard in, it is actually on, its in the autonooter boot. What i have done is created a Froyo sdcard and i have it booting on that... I am guessing if i can find a way to get CWM installed on froyo i will be able to reflash recovery and should be ok... problem is i cant figure out how to get CWM on lol.

i cant surf because the browser crashes before i can even load a page and ADB isnt recognizing that the device is connected while its in froyo...

Will post if i figure something out

I'm getting a little lost trying to find the correct Froyo and instructions for creating that bootable card. Can you tell me where you found the instructions that worked for you so far?
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In my tutorial I should add to reboot the NC after you install CWR and not to try to reboot straight to it. It looks like it needs a reboot to finalize the CWR installation. Booting straight to it causes you to be stuck between a rock and a hard place (stock recovery and clockworkmod recovery).

Since the stock recovery is still somewhat in charge, do step 1 of the factory reset: the 8 turn on interrupts. This should fix boot up without wiping your data. Then reflash CWR in Rom manager and just reboot.

Can you please give me a VERY IDIOT PROOF instruction set to complete the 8 turn on interrupts? I am guessing that I wait for the "Touch" screen to appear, then press and hold the power button (which is supposed to turn the nook off, right?) and then turn it on and interrupt again seven more times, then allow it to boot.

Is that correct?

Because when I press and hold power when I see the "Touch" screen to interrupt, it eventually goes black but then comes right back on. So my interrupts don't seem to be doing anything.
Normally I hold the power button for 4-5 seconds to turn on, then release. Wait until I see the big "n", then press power button and hold again until the NC turns off.

Your case is a little different since you are not getting past the "Touch the future" screen. So try to turn off sooner.

How many times did you try to get into CWR by holding power and "n" for 5-6 seconds?

I believe I've also had success with plugging the NC up to charger at wall sockt and holding power button, but can't remember exactly. I've gotten stuck at boot up many times while installing and tweaking different things on the NC.
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Hi rico2001,

It doesnt get far enough in the process to set off the factory reset there is no way to even turn it off, it just boots continuously no matter what you do to the power button. I can turn it off during the boot process from sdcard froyo but that doesnt set off the factory reset. I need to find a way to get clockwork installed on this sdcard froyo to see if reflashing will work. Just not sure how to do that yet :(
Normally I hold the power button for 4-5 seconds to turn on, then release. Wait until I see the big "n", then press power button and hold again until the NC turns off.

Your case is a little different since you are not getting past the "Touch the future" screen. So try to turn off sooner.

How many times did you try to get into CWR by holding power and "n" for 5-6 seconds?

ok, this is what I have learned so far:

From a completely turned off state --> press and hold power button for ~4 sec turns the nc ON.
First screen to load is "Touch the Future of Reading" screen ~1 sec after light flash indication power was turned on.
The "Touch" screen stays on for ~8 sec then goes away (either to be followed by loading screens or back to itself if looping.

If I press and hold the power button as soon as I see the "Touch" screen and hold until it goes away - screen stay black now and if I hold for ~4-5 sec of black screen the nc powers OFF.
If I press and hold the power button for longer than ~6 sec after "Touch" turns to black screen, it will continue boot loop as if nothing happened.

However, no amount of interrupts at this stage will allow any type of recovery. But I am able to control power on and power off, which I didn't think I could do before.

ps - Holding the "N" button does nothing, no matter when I hold it or for how long.

Hi rico2001,

It doesnt get far enough in the process to set off the factory reset there is no way to even turn it off, it just boots continuously no matter what you do to the power button. I can turn it off during the boot process from sdcard froyo but that doesnt set off the factory reset. I need to find a way to get clockwork installed on this sdcard froyo to see if reflashing will work. Just not sure how to do that yet :(

What version of Froyo are you using the 58 or 59?
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using 058... theres an 059? lol

I've read a few people using the 058 cause it DIDNT have some problems that 059 did. Where did you get it, and where did you read how to use it? I still can't find the right place, probably cause im getting tired and very frustrated with this boot loop. It's keeping me from Recovery, ADB, everything... I can do nothing with this thing!
Not a method I use but try hold the Power, "n" and Vol+ buttons to turn on and boot into CWR.

Here is also a video of normal procedure:
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Hi faceman, i got it from nookdevs

also, i managed to get clockwork installed on sdcard froyo and reflashed recovery... even tho it says successful i am still stuck in that loop... whatever went wrong during the first flash seems to have completely killed it. Boots fine from sdcard, just no way to get it up and running other wise, no combination of n+power or n+vol+power gets it into recovery either :(
Not a method I use but try hold the Power, "n" and Vol+ buttons to turn on and boot into CWR.

Here is also a video of normal procedure:
That video I saw and tried already, no go.
And the three button method gives me a nook that is just turned off again, no recovery there either. :(

Hi faceman, i got it from nookdevs

also, i managed to get clockwork installed on sdcard froyo and reflashed recovery... even tho it says successful i am still stuck in that loop... whatever went wrong during the first flash seems to have completely killed it. Boots fine from sdcard, just no way to get it up and running other wise, no combination of n+power or n+vol+power gets it into recovery either :(

found it, burning now
OK, I finally got Froyo onto an SD card and can boot into that. Now I just have to figure out how to get that Froyo bootable to clean up my device's boot records.