Help with CM10.2 Development


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2013
I am not a dev, and I don't know a lot about making my own Android ROM. But, I want to build CM10.2 for our tablet (Lenovo A2109). I have Ubuntu 13.10 64-bits ready, and I am syncing the repo right now. Is there anyone that can give me some direction?

I am following tutorial from these forums:

[HOW-TO] Building CM10, AOKP & TeamBaked For The JB Bootloader [Ubuntu 12.04+ 64-bit] - xda-developers

COMPILE From Source For Any Phone On Linux Distros [BUILD ENVIRONMENT TO COMPILE] - xda-developers

I know it is for a specific phone or tablet, but still, worth a try.
That sounds great.
Iḿ not a dev too, but i want to help.
I started my journey a few weeks ago with the cm10 source from here:
Nothing happend that i can show here, just for me to learn how compiling works and what is necessary for building a rom.

And now i hope that we can work together to bring up cm10.2 to our device.

Iḿ already synced the cm10.2 source.
Making CyangenMod is way more difficult than i thought, but oh well, I am on the step where i need to enter "brunch a2109a" on the terminal. The googlesource site(curl > ~/bin/repo) is retarded when i was trying to sync the repo for our tablet. But yeah, I am getting closer now.

Also, @Bender007
Good thing that superhansi uploaded his file to the github!:p;) That's why i decided to make CM10.2 myself.

By the way, I am also using these tutorial:

[Tutorial] Compile JB on Ubuntu - xda-developers
Good to hear, wish I could help but gave my tablet to my kids. Remember to change the media XML file in the etc folder and also you have to work on skia.libs to jpeg viewing

Sent on my Moto X

Will take note of that after I make the ROM :p
Too bad that you are not using this tablet anymore :( I still remember the time when i was waiting for your ROM'S update and flashing your inverted Gapps :D :D
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I don't understand how to create the xml file:

You will need to add a local manifest, which tells repo where to get extra repositories that are not part of the main Cyanogenmod source. To do this, add the following to .repo/local_manifest.xml (you may need to create this file):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="A2109devs/android_device_lenovo_a2109a" path="device/lenovo/a2109a" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />

where is the local_manifest.xml file?? And if i need to create it, where should i put it or how should i create it???

PS: oh never mind... I found it, its on the hidden folder within my source folder.... lol, sorry i am kinda talking to myself now...
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I've got the same Problem. I made a xml file in ./repo/local_manifest. But nothing happend.
In ./repo nothing happend.
I read somewhere the XML must named blabla.XML and not local_manifest (i'm at work so i can't look for the Name).
Nothing works. So i downloaded the ZIP Form Git and extract it in ~/yoursource/device/lenovo/a2109a
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Good to hear this! I was gutted when superhansi seemed to disappear from the lenovo forum. Things were getting to the point it would all be finished but then suddenly stopped.

Sadly I have no dev experience but I'm happy to test and report back once its ready.

I have always uses cm on all my devices so if it became available on the a2109 then I would happily use it.

One thing though. Try not to focus on using vimpirefo's kernel. While it is good it has ext sdcard issues.

Its because of that kernel I have avoided most custom ROMs on here. Some people seem to get issues but most people don't. Or perhaps they just dont use ext SD cards?

Either way good to hear it is in development.
Good to hear this! I was gutted when superhansi seemed to disappear from the lenovo forum. Things were getting to the point it would all be finished but then suddenly stopped.

Sadly I have no dev experience but I'm happy to test and report back once its ready.

I have always uses cm on all my devices so if it became available on the a2109 then I would happily use it.

One thing though. Try not to focus on using vimpirefo's kernel. While it is good it has ext sdcard issues.

Its because of that kernel I have avoided most custom ROMs on here. Some people seem to get issues but most people don't. Or perhaps they just dont use ext SD cards?

Either way good to hear it is in development.

How can you confirm that Vampirefo's kernel causes ext sdcard issues? Think before posting something you don't know about!. nOObs are the cause of issue's with there devices for not following the given instructions!. And if the devices Vampirefo uses isn't the same as the nOObs one, is it the cause of his kernel?.

Vampirefo's work is apart from the others and in my opinion it's the best there is here!.
Good to hear this! I was gutted when superhansi seemed to disappear from the lenovo forum. Things were getting to the point it would all be finished but then suddenly stopped.

Sadly I have no dev experience but I'm happy to test and report back once its ready.

I have always uses cm on all my devices so if it became available on the a2109 then I would happily use it.

One thing though. Try not to focus on using vimpirefo's kernel. While it is good it has ext sdcard issues.

Its because of that kernel I have avoided most custom ROMs on here. Some people seem to get issues but most people don't. Or perhaps they just dont use ext SD cards?

Either way good to hear it is in development.

I don't know about the kernel issue you mention, and i did not have any issue with it before when i was using it. But anyway I don't have enough time and therefore this CM10.2 development is taking me forever... :( If you guys have the requirement(Ubuntu 64bit, or other Linux related OS maybe?), then you guys should try to learn how to port it as well :D
How can you confirm that Vampirefo's kernel causes ext sdcard issues? Think before posting something you don't know about!. nOObs are the cause of issue's with there devices for not following the given instructions!. And if the devices Vampirefo uses isn't the same as the nOObs one, is it the cause of his kernel?.!.

LOL, best laugh all day! You haven't got a clue, have you ? You don't even have a A2109 so talk about posting something you dont know about, look in the mirror.

At least the poster has the device.
LOL, best laugh all day! You haven't got a clue, have you ? You don't even have a A2109 so talk about posting something you dont know about, look in the mirror.

At least the poster has the device.

Thanks for this!! At least some one will stick up for me.

I am far from a noob just because I can't dev. I have used cm now since the g1 on multiple devices so I have a fair idea how things work.

I meant no disrespect to vampirefo. I too know his work is great.

It wasn't just me who posted ext SD issues. Flashallthetime may remember multiple instances of people saying they had issues.

The real issue is that not many people have this device and so not enough testing and reporting was being done.

I know it is the kernel because it works flawlessly on stock but and ROM with vamporefo kernel and the ext SD suddenly has issues.

I think senior members should stop and think before they shoot their mouth off.
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I don't know about the kernel issue you mention, and i did not have any issue with it before when i was using it. But anyway I don't have enough time and therefore this CM10.2 development is taking me forever... :( If you guys have the requirement(Ubuntu 64bit, or other Linux related OS maybe?), then you guys should try to learn how to port it as well :D

Yes such a project requires a lot of time with little to no reward. It's nice to see you tried, if more people tried there might be less criticism and more appreciation for a Rom.
Good luck.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Tablet
Good to hear this! I was gutted when superhansi seemed to disappear from the lenovo forum. Things were getting to the point it would all be finished but then suddenly stopped.

Sadly I have no dev experience but I'm happy to test and report back once its ready.

I have always uses cm on all my devices so if it became available on the a2109 then I would happily use it.

One thing though. Try not to focus on using vimpirefo's kernel. While it is good it has ext sdcard issues.

Its because of that kernel I have avoided most custom ROMs on here. Some people seem to get issues but most people don't. Or perhaps they just dont use ext SD cards?

Either way good to hear it is in development.

My kernel doesn't have sdcard problems, no kernel does sdcard problems if they exist are due to vold file or the tablets hardware.
You can use any kernel you want, no requirement to use mine.

My kernel won't be in this project, so no need to worry.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Tablet
I am really having trouble with the CM10.2 development. I have to use multiple instruction just to remind me some of the step, but that also make things complicated for me.

Also, after doing this:
cd device/lenovo/a2109a
cd ../../..

I cannot run the "brunch a2109a". Probably because I am making CM10.2 (or CM with Android 4.3.1) and the step is a little bit different.

The "vendor/cm/" file is not loading the info correctly as below:

The BoardConfig is on on my SourceFolder/device/lenovo/a2109a folder. I am trying to find a way for the code to load file correctly when i type "brunch a2109a".

Any direction for me?? :D :D

BTW, instead of using jellybean branch, I type this in my local_manifest.xml "<project name="A2109devs/android_device_lenovo_a2109a" path="device/lenovo/a2109a" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />".
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