Hi From The North Part Of Sweden


Aug 5, 2010
Hi there. I am an old linux guy, been fiddling and working with linux since the mid 90:s.
I have ordered an aPad/ePad/what ever. It's hard to know what's going to show up. The store specs say it's a RK2808 RockChip CPU, but the pictures shows something that looks like an ePad. Oh well, I will get what I get. I will use it as a coaster or something if it's the dreaded VIA chip, and get something else. I am more interested in getting to know Android, never used it before, looks nice.
well welcome and i hope you enjoy android
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That sort of thing happens all the time. That's why I only recommend stores who publish their specs.

Good luck, whatever you receive.

But since you are a Linux guy, the VIA ones at least have the kernel source partially.
That sort of thing happens all the time. That's why I only recommend stores who publish their specs.

Good luck, whatever you receive.

But since you are a Linux guy, the VIA ones at least have the kernel source partially.

Well they did publish the specs, and pictures of the device. The specs was clearly for a RockChip one, but the pictures, well one of the pictures was clearly of a ePad/Flytouch. I asked them if it was a VIA, or a RockChip one, and they sad it was a RockChip. They might have published the wrong picture of the device, or they might have published the wrong specs, who knows. Android looks promising, I have a lot of friends with Android cell phones, and they are really happy with them. I think that I am going to swap my cough, iPhone, cough, for a Andriod cell to :)
It arrived today. It is an iRobot, manual states that it is a RockChip based one. I haven't had time to confirm that, to busy playing with it. :)