How to Install applications on a Viewsonic G-Tablet with no Carrier


Jul 16, 2011
I currently have a Droid3 and had used a Droid2 both on Verizon. I am familiar with Marketplace on my Droids. I just got a ViewSonic G-Tablet. I am connecting it to wifi, it has no carrier associated with it. It had a market called Handango installed, I was able to install from there, but hardly any of my favorite apps are offered there.

I have an account at Appbrain and Marketplace....I tried to install from there but it didn't work, they don't recognize my device as existing. I also tried the Amazon Appstore, but my G-Tablet's applications setting section had no clickbox for installing from unknown sources.

I did find an apk listed on these forums for the AndroidTabletForums.apk and I was able to install that form the removable SD card.


1) Is it possible to install the Android Marketplace on this device? (without a contract carrier using wifi only)? If yes.. how.. and if not why?

Thank you
Do you know what ROM you have installed? Sounds like you have the stock out of box version. Read the stickies on the tech sub forum.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Android Tablet Forum
Thank you, I am so naive, I thought all I would really need to do is root so that I could install home-brew apps. I had no idea that devices like these were not allowed to access the android marketplace :/ that's pretty lame! Well I guess I will give it a go. I read some stickies and discovered that my firmware is Branch 2. I posted a new thread today asking advice on which 1.2 ROM I should try.

Thank you for helping me find my way.

:) Trog