- Jan 27, 2011
- 425
- 65
Following is the How To Guide to install CM7 and Phiremod [Gingerbread] builds on your Nook Color. I have tried my best to keep the instructions as simple as possible, still if you have any doubts then don't hesitate to ask me. And seriously, it is as simple as it sounds in this guide.
I. Installation :
Caution : This is not faint of hearts. If something happens then I am not responsible. Hey wait, nothing gonna happen to your Nook Color if you read instructions carefully. And make sure you have read them thrice and have no doubts. As it will be installed to internal storage, all your data will be wiped.
Following are the things you need :
1. Rooted Nook Color
2. Micro SD Card
You will need this as you are going to prepare EXT4 SD card. Keep this in mind that, by doing this all your data in your memory card will be wiped. Hence take back or use a spare memory card. And if you have only one SD Card, then use it, after you can make it back to normal.
3. The following files :
a. EXT4 Compatible Bootable Clockwork SD Card
For this process you need CWR which will be booted from SD Card. If you are using 1GB card, then download 1gb_clockwork-0.1-ext4.tar.gz and so on. Never download file which is bigger than for your card.
1GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 0aad5d16eb9a274f2a72b12f7be44c55
2GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 598262de35053f2d34480175ac337d7c
4GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 71ba12fc908c6bcc643aec6e9359b9f1
8GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 41ac8d2b425f47db3f811676d35bd904
b. CM Nightly / Phiremod Build File :
Download either of the following :
1.Download the CM build file from here
Latest build, CM build 7 [03/Mar/2011] - Download Link MD5 - 991ff7b9ff7cb917c3a250fd5b9549a6
2. Download Phiremod build from here - link
Note : This is Phiremod Gingerbread Version, not Froyo one. Please make sure you are downloading correct version. Also I suggest you to go with Phiremod v4 as it more stable than CM7 builds.
c. Google Apps [Gapps] File :
Source link
Gapps for CM7 - Download Link MD5 - 45e175c25a498c8945c543d92d92e782
d. OC Kernel file [only if you plan to OC]
1.1GHz - Download Link MD5 - 0bf22eface5c313c783b627d7a85d475
Please double check md5 sums before doing anything. I have given source links for a reason, so check them before for any updates if available. Also make sure you have atleast 60% of battery.
Lets get to the business.
1. Take back up !
Before doing anything first job is to take back up. [Use this link if you don't know how to back up.]
2. EXT4 SD Card
Preparing EXT4 Compatible Bootable Clockwork SD Card :
a. Download the required EXT4 file suitable for your Micro SD card.
b. Extract the zip file with suitable zip manager.
c. Burn the image to SD card using Win32Disk manager or similar. [ How to link ]
That't it ! Your SD card is ready !.
3. Installation
Now move the CM build, Gapps and OC Kernel files to SD card. Your SD card should look like this :
a. Now power down your NooK Color. Insert the Micro SD Card. And power up.
b. It should boot into CWR automatically. A animation of skull appears and make sure CWR version appears at bottom.
c. Now move to 'mounts and storage' and format
- system
- data
- cache
d. Go back to Main menu. Go to 'install zip from sdcard'
'choose zip from sdcard' > select "cm_encore_full-7.zip"
In the same way install Gapps and OC Kernel file.
e. Now go back to Main Menu. Select 'mounts and storage' and press 'unmount sdcard'. Now take out SD card from Nook Color. Go back to main menu again and press 'reboot into system'
Congrats ! CyanogenMod is installed in your Nook Color !
4. What next ?
a. Turn the Nook Color. You will see ANDROID at the bottom and next CM logo.
b. Configure your WiFi, set up Google Account and also you can select apps if you want to install in coming steps.
5. SD Card
If you have used spare memory card, then you can keep it for future builds of CM. If you have used your main SD card, then connect it to PC and format it. [Never format it in Nook color itself.] After formatting you can use your SD card as storage for Nook Color.
II. Installing CM7 Build update files :
If you have used a spare memory card and it is flashed to EXT4, then you can use it again. If you have only SD Card, then you might want to take back up again and make it EXT4 compatible. Follow steps above mentioned in EXT4 SD Card.
You need :
1. EXT4 SD Card
2. CM7 Update file
How to :
1. Download the latest build from here - link or Phiremod update from here - link
2. Place the Update file on the root of your EXT4 SD Card. Installing update reverts NC back to stock clockspeed. If you want to OC, place OC kernel file in root of your SD card.
3. Turn off your Nook Color and place the EXT4 SD card in your NC.
4. Power on the device. Now you will be booted in Recovery with CWR version
5. Chose 'install zip from sdcard'
then select 'choose zip from sdcard' > 'latest update file'
again, to OC, 'choose zip from sdcard' > 'OC Kernel file'
6. Now unmount the SD Card.
'mounts and storage' > unmount sdcard > remove sdcard
III. Restoring to Stock, bye bye CM7 :
Here is the easy guide to revert back to stock. link The thread is very much self explanatory, hence I am not giving instructions here. But once you install CM7, you will never wish to go back to stock
Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Special thanks to Rico, Vic and faceman for their support and encouragement.
for any doubts/discussions - http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...ogenmod-phiremod-builds-internal-storage.html
I. Installation :
Caution : This is not faint of hearts. If something happens then I am not responsible. Hey wait, nothing gonna happen to your Nook Color if you read instructions carefully. And make sure you have read them thrice and have no doubts. As it will be installed to internal storage, all your data will be wiped.
Following are the things you need :
1. Rooted Nook Color
2. Micro SD Card
You will need this as you are going to prepare EXT4 SD card. Keep this in mind that, by doing this all your data in your memory card will be wiped. Hence take back or use a spare memory card. And if you have only one SD Card, then use it, after you can make it back to normal.
3. The following files :
a. EXT4 Compatible Bootable Clockwork SD Card
For this process you need CWR which will be booted from SD Card. If you are using 1GB card, then download 1gb_clockwork-0.1-ext4.tar.gz and so on. Never download file which is bigger than for your card.
1GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 0aad5d16eb9a274f2a72b12f7be44c55
2GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 598262de35053f2d34480175ac337d7c
4GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 71ba12fc908c6bcc643aec6e9359b9f1
8GB Micro SD - link MD5 - 41ac8d2b425f47db3f811676d35bd904
b. CM Nightly / Phiremod Build File :
Download either of the following :
1.Download the CM build file from here
Latest build, CM build 7 [03/Mar/2011] - Download Link MD5 - 991ff7b9ff7cb917c3a250fd5b9549a6
2. Download Phiremod build from here - link
Note : This is Phiremod Gingerbread Version, not Froyo one. Please make sure you are downloading correct version. Also I suggest you to go with Phiremod v4 as it more stable than CM7 builds.
c. Google Apps [Gapps] File :
Source link
Gapps for CM7 - Download Link MD5 - 45e175c25a498c8945c543d92d92e782
d. OC Kernel file [only if you plan to OC]
1.1GHz - Download Link MD5 - 0bf22eface5c313c783b627d7a85d475
Please double check md5 sums before doing anything. I have given source links for a reason, so check them before for any updates if available. Also make sure you have atleast 60% of battery.
Lets get to the business.
1. Take back up !
Before doing anything first job is to take back up. [Use this link if you don't know how to back up.]
2. EXT4 SD Card
Preparing EXT4 Compatible Bootable Clockwork SD Card :
a. Download the required EXT4 file suitable for your Micro SD card.
b. Extract the zip file with suitable zip manager.
c. Burn the image to SD card using Win32Disk manager or similar. [ How to link ]
That't it ! Your SD card is ready !.
3. Installation
Now move the CM build, Gapps and OC Kernel files to SD card. Your SD card should look like this :

a. Now power down your NooK Color. Insert the Micro SD Card. And power up.
b. It should boot into CWR automatically. A animation of skull appears and make sure CWR version appears at bottom.
c. Now move to 'mounts and storage' and format
- system
- data
- cache
d. Go back to Main menu. Go to 'install zip from sdcard'
'choose zip from sdcard' > select "cm_encore_full-7.zip"
In the same way install Gapps and OC Kernel file.
e. Now go back to Main Menu. Select 'mounts and storage' and press 'unmount sdcard'. Now take out SD card from Nook Color. Go back to main menu again and press 'reboot into system'
Congrats ! CyanogenMod is installed in your Nook Color !
4. What next ?
a. Turn the Nook Color. You will see ANDROID at the bottom and next CM logo.
b. Configure your WiFi, set up Google Account and also you can select apps if you want to install in coming steps.
5. SD Card
If you have used spare memory card, then you can keep it for future builds of CM. If you have used your main SD card, then connect it to PC and format it. [Never format it in Nook color itself.] After formatting you can use your SD card as storage for Nook Color.
II. Installing CM7 Build update files :
If you have used a spare memory card and it is flashed to EXT4, then you can use it again. If you have only SD Card, then you might want to take back up again and make it EXT4 compatible. Follow steps above mentioned in EXT4 SD Card.
You need :
1. EXT4 SD Card
2. CM7 Update file
How to :
1. Download the latest build from here - link or Phiremod update from here - link
2. Place the Update file on the root of your EXT4 SD Card. Installing update reverts NC back to stock clockspeed. If you want to OC, place OC kernel file in root of your SD card.
3. Turn off your Nook Color and place the EXT4 SD card in your NC.
4. Power on the device. Now you will be booted in Recovery with CWR version
5. Chose 'install zip from sdcard'
then select 'choose zip from sdcard' > 'latest update file'
again, to OC, 'choose zip from sdcard' > 'OC Kernel file'
6. Now unmount the SD Card.
'mounts and storage' > unmount sdcard > remove sdcard
III. Restoring to Stock, bye bye CM7 :
Here is the easy guide to revert back to stock. link The thread is very much self explanatory, hence I am not giving instructions here. But once you install CM7, you will never wish to go back to stock
Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Special thanks to Rico, Vic and faceman for their support and encouragement.
for any doubts/discussions - http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...ogenmod-phiremod-builds-internal-storage.html
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