Huawei Ideos S7 - Post-Root Tips Sharing

How bout a thread specific to hijackers and rants totally off topic- They get moved as a penalty. And if people want to follow for entertaining reading than they can choose to follow. Remember ages and levels of maturity vary among members.
All interested parties, please feel free to use this thread as the landing place for your various rants and statements about the S7 and if we will or will not be getting 2.2 for it.

There is another thread that is only to be used by the devs and chefs, let's give them an area that they can use as a sandbox with a high signal-to-noise ratio.

As always, any profanity, spam or negative comments about other users will not be tolerated here. The purpose of this thread is to still allow an open forum, but provide a clear communication thread elsewhere for those that are trying to solve our problems.

I used z4root to do achieve a temporary root. Then I used Titanium Backup to uninstall Facebook and Twidroid. After a reboot, the apps are still there.

What did I do wrong?

Thank you.
After you root download Root Explorer. Go into the system directory, then the app directory. If you truly have root at the top of the screen you will see a buttom labeled Mout R/W. Press the button and delete whichever .apk's you wish and they will be gone for good. Be careful what you delete.
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I used z4root to do achieve a temporary root. Then I used Titanium Backup to uninstall Facebook and Twidroid. After a reboot, the apps are still there.

What did I do wrong?

Thank you.

Use System App Remover:
SystemApp Remover ~ Android Application v3.5 By Danesh | Tools


1) First make sure you have Busybox installed. Backing up system apps before removing them sometimes does not work if you do not have Busybox.
2) If you do not have Busybox or are not sure that you have it, you can install it from within Titanium Backup.
3) To install Busybox from Titanium Backup, at the main screen select the "Problems?" tab at the bottom right corner.
Titanium Backup will prompt you to download Busybox. After you have Busybox, go back to System App Remover.
4) From System App Remover select menu and make sure Busybox is on. If it is not,you can enable it there.
5) Now from the bottom options in System App Remover, select System Apps.
You will now have a list of the android system apps.
7) To create a backup, click on the app you wish to remove.
System App Remover will give you a dialog box with three options: Yes. Backup. No.
You should get a confirmation saying "Backup successful."
If you don't, repeat the backup process until you do. Otherwise you won't be able to restore if you want to later on.
9) After you have created a backup, again select the system app to be removed.
10) Now from the options select "Yes". Please note that if you select "No", the app will not be uninstalled, but it will be removed from the System Apps list. I do not know f this is a bug.
11) After selecting "Yes" you will go to the standard screen used to remove apps. Just select Yes again to uninstall.
12) If you mess up and remove any system critical app, without making a backup, or cannot restore it later on, just use the reset instructions from the Sticky list.
All done!
There's no point buying an out of date operating system. The absence of 2.2 has stopped me buying this item
Regarding 2.1 vs 2.2 on this cheap tablet. While I want (and will try and work towards porting 2.2 to the tablet) 2.2 on this. To be honest, I'm quite happy with how this device is working out for me.

I knew buying a cheaper tablet meant it may be a little behind the eight ball regarding software. But seeing that this tablet was one of the cheapest decent tablets available here in Australia ($299 aud) I am to be honest quite happy with what the device does and is.

To give some background on other mobile devices I've owned, I've got a Nokia N810, an iPod Touch (3rd gen 32gb), and a 16gb iPad. And I'm enjoying this tablet. Yes there are things I wish it could do. And yes I'd love for it to be running 2.2 (or even 2.3). This device is still doing what I bought it for.

Now I've been informed that Telstra the Supplier of this tablet here, is working on 2.2 to be released some time in the 1st quarter of this year. So Once that's out there, we will all be able to use this firmware. (Now I'm putting a bit of trust in Telstra here.)

But also I and others on this forum are looking into ways to port 2.2 to this device, so who knows what will happen. The device isn't useless with 2.1.

Anyway that's my two cents regarding this.

I can't believe I'm posting here!
I thought I'd have my say and be done with it so her goes.
The S7 is not perfect. It is not the fastest. It is not the most technically cutting edge. It is not blessed with the latest OS.
Yet there is something very noticably different about it.
It is the most competant all round Personal Communications Device (PCD) that I have ever used or trialed. And I have had many of them. They all had shortcomings of one sort or another.
It reminds me of an HP Jornada from the late 1990s but without any of the drawbacks and with the inclusion of the phone function.
Of course it's light years away from the HP, however I can't help wonder if Huawei took some inspiration from those older devices and gave a good all round bunch of specs to a design team and said see what you can come up with.
And on the specific points of 2.2 and flash (the main chorus from the detractors) does their absense mean that the functionality of the PCD is compromised in any way? No it doesn't!!
It just means that it doesn't have them and not that it can't be used in the ways it was designed to be used.
It's more than a smartphone and more than a tablet. It's more than a netbook and more than a PC.
It performs wonderfully well at what it sets out to provide to the user.
I get the feeling that there are a number of 'contributors' who have never really appreciated this device for what it is really worth.
To me that worth is something that is greater than the sum of it's parts.
Someone once said "you buy a newspaper today in the certain knowledge that the news will be old tomorrow! So why bother wasting your money?"
You could just keep waiting for what comes along tomorrow.
I'll stay very, very pleased with my S7 today, thank you very much.
Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Well said.

I also having recently purchased this device, am having no regrets with it not having 2.2 on it atm. Its like the old BE300 i bought many years ago....all the pda's out at that time blew it away. But there was a forum group devoted to improving it and they did. New gui, new prog's, all kinds of new stuff was ported and made to work on it..... and you know what that little BE300 was an awesome little pda because of the tweakers n hackers.

Its a 200-600bucks....its a gps....80-100 bucks....gaming/email/whatever....$$$....... all for $299 +tax
I think i made a great purchase that will last me for what i need.

I cannot agree more with the previous posts. There is something special about this tablet. Right now is my only phone, so people make fun of my when I tell them that it is a phone, but at the same time everybody loves it. It's like a paradox, it's so big for a phone but at the same time I don't miss carrying a normal size phone. I have my Bluetooth headset for privacy and I love the big screen. I never hold the phone to talk, it's standing in some desk or table always and I have the freedom to surf the web in a nice screen while I talk. I even put most of the P90X videos (exercise program) take it to the GYM and use it whit my Bluetooth headphones. It's great! I thought the phone was going to be "not as portable" as my previous smart phones. But that's not the case. I lost several phones because I misplaced them and then they get stolen. It's hard to miss this one. I thought I will miss froyo 2.2, but Skyfire patch that hole for what I need. As a book reader is great! Normal size phones are still small for book reading. There are so many things that I could say about this device, but so far my friends are still surprise that I kept a phone for so long...that tells you something.
Things that I wish for this phone:
app to SD.
video calls with fring, tango, or soon skype. (mine has two camera)
That's it and I will be as happy as a birthday boy.

I've got a hack working that does move the apps to the sdcard, it's a ugly hack but it works, have a look at the apps2sd thread, it's not for the faint of heart, but it works =)

Wow, this is truly heartening to see! I started this thread after Buzzman made the excellent point about there being too many topics on the other thread, and expected to see more of the negative comments and frustrations. Instead, I see people that like me started out feeling maybe like they were settling on a "cheaper than the Galaxy" tablet only to find out how great a device it is. Like all of you, I wouldn't commit as much time as I do to this forum if I didn't feel there was value to the S7.

Thanks to all!