Huawei S7 - connecting USB external hard disc or flash memory

Wow that's a messy cable hack!
I ordered two of these and they work fine.
I'm using them with Dane Elec micro USB adapters and 8Gb micro SD cards.


  • $IMG_20110518_012631.jpg
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Information taken from Russian forum

Do not work, you need an OTG cable, micro usb is 5 pin and 4 pin usb, contacts 4 and 5 cross.
Russian but it is understood




or made ebay

Micro USB male adapter OTG for Mobile Phone Pad Tablet en venta en (finaliza el 05-jun-11 09:27:54 H.Esp)

Micro male to USB female cable adaptor converter plug a en venta en (finaliza el 09-may-11 21:58:19 H.Esp)

Hey buddy i ordered the second item u posted from ebay do u think it will do the job or i should have ordered yhe first one which says usb otg
if you do not want to wait, you can make is to find a micro usb b.
Pardon my English use a translator
I do not speak and sometimes do not quite understand what I say
Well I had to wait 3 weeks for my wee microusb to usb cable to turn up from hk.

I am running the Indonesia 2.2

I installed the Q5 usb manager and plugged in an old usb stick.

Starting it up I see a list of block devices dm15 etc but no sda1.

I created the usb_device then rescanned, now I see sda1 and whoopee it mounts rw.

Rebooting I found that /usb_device had disappeared, I had to faff around to recreate it.

In the 2.2 build there is a /d directory, so I use that instead and it works just fine.

Great work belurussian bloke. This has to be just about the most useful utility available for rooted tablets.

Well I had to wait 3 weeks for my wee microusb to usb cable to turn up from hk.

I am running the Indonesia 2.2

I installed the Q5 usb manager and plugged in an old usb stick.

Starting it up I see a list of block devices dm15 etc but no sda1.

I created the usb_device then rescanned, now I see sda1 and whoopee it mounts rw.

Rebooting I found that /usb_device had disappeared, I had to faff around to recreate it.

In the 2.2 build there is a /d directory, so I use that instead and it works just fine.

Great work belurussian bloke. This has to be just about the most useful utility available for rooted tablets.


hey dude i also recieved the cable though having some difficulties first of all how we create theusb device as u mentioned
everything worked fine in the end cheers for the help hope i wont get stuck in the future... if i do i know u guys r here
thx again all
Funcionando, gracias por la ayuda.
In use, thanks for the help.

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Funcionando, gracias por la ayuda.
In use, thanks for the help.

Hola, Cansat. He seguido tus pasos, pero tengo problemas al crear la carpeta USB. No sé exactamente cómo hacerlo, a veces bien otras no. Cuando me aparece la carpeta y conecto el USB con un adaptador no se enciende la luz, la carpeta creada está vacía. El adaptador lo compré para otro aparato pero puede que no sea OTG.

¿sabes dónde conseguir un OTG?. Gracias.

Hello, Cansat. I followed your steps, but I have problems when creating the USB folder. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. When I connect the USB stick the light doesn't shine, the folder is empty. Maybe it is not OTG. Can you tell me where to get one?. Thanks.
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Hola, Cansat. He seguido tus pasos, pero tengo problemas al crear la carpeta USB. No sé exactamente cómo hacerlo, a veces bien otras no. Cuando me aparece la carpeta y conecto el USB con un adaptador no se enciende la luz, la carpeta creada está vacía. El adaptador lo compré para otro aparato pero puede que no sea OTG.

¿sabes dónde conseguir un OTG?. Gracias.

Hello, Cansat. I followed your steps, but I have problems when creating the USB folder. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. When I connect the USB stick the light doesn't shine, the folder is empty. Maybe it is not OTG. Can you tell me where to get one?. Thanks.
1.- abre el programa
2.-inserta el cable y el pen
3.- espera que se encienda y se apague la luz
4.- luego da a escanear en el programa y te rellena los campos, en la ubicacion yo utilizo el directorio d que esta vacio en la raiz
5.- y luego le indico que se monte, recuerda que al salir decirle que lo desmonte

Espero que te sirva me puedes encontrar aquí

Aquí he subido en castellano la explicacion y hay enlaces a conectores OTG
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Hard disk

hub + hard disk + flash memory

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cansat, what program were you using to browse the files on the USB drive and the HDD?