Infotmic - Update Version deb-r2.1.1561

The CCplayer now allows you to play from flashdrives/external storage... That's the one update I've really been looking for. The wifi also connects faster...


I have readen somewhere, that its also supports other 3G modems. Can you comfirm that?
How do I get that zip file om my tablet? Sorry but im still a noob with those tablets :/ Do you want me to install the firmware 1561 again afterwards or is the 1568 better?

Do you have dropbox or a microsd card adapter?
Dropbox will be slower.
Yes I have a micro sd card adapter ;)
Format that micro sd to fat32
Put that file on to the memory card. Make sure it's the only file!
Boot into recovery mode and select to update from that zip
You should now be sorted ;)

Hope this helps,
Thx both it sounds easy :) But why firmware 1568, is it because I can update/downgrade to 1561 or is 1568 just a better update?
I oriinally downloaded the 1561 from the built in updater on the superpad. Then when I saw Richardo's post and link I downloaded the 1568(just curious if it was really 1568 or a typo). Now after loading it on my about system screen it actually says 1568 now, not 1561.


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I oriinally downloaded the 1561 from the built in updater on the superpad. Then when I saw Richardo's post and link I downloaded the 1568(just curious if it was really 1568 or a typo). Now after loading it on my about system screen it actually says 1568 now, not 1561.
Can you post a screen shot of the system information.
This is mine:
ok, this is strange. we have 2 versions out at the moment, 1561 and 1568.

So far mine is stable and working well.
Can people start listing what update they are running. Would like to know if there are any common problems for each update.