Infotmic - Update Version deb-r2.1.1561

Hi Richardo!!
First of all I want to thank you for the instructions.

Have already downloaded Titanium Back up 3.6.2. apk and saved it. Shall I cut/paste it on my SD card, and open it on my APad screen.
In order to proceed with my Programs back up??

My files are all on my SD card do I need to save them on a Dropbox??Please explain to mewhat you mean by dropbox??

Have already downloaded deb-r 2.1.1568 zip file and unzipped it with unrar. Should I go ahead and write only the zipped "update" contents
without unzipping them on the SD card after having formated to fat32. Which I suppose will have to be clean. By the way is this firmware the
same as deb-r 2.1.1561. And before doing all these should I clear the already existing 2.1.1561 firmware update which I downloaded
and is stored on my Staus bar.

Then I will follow the recovery instructions as mentioned on the "read" file and if I fail I will have to clear the cache etc. and eventually loose
all my existing programs and files in which case I will need to know my Register Code which unfortunately I was not able to trace in the
-about device- section of my System settings. (Most of the folders such as Status,Legal info,Model Nbr, Firmware -Kernell version, Buils Nbr,
Certification) are empty. Nevertheless I have already applied to my seller and he promised to supply to me.

By the way by "Drop Box" do you mean the Gallery because all Print shots are stored there.
I will wait your further clarifications in order to proceed .
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Backup your programs using Titanium Backup and your files to a Dropbox before following this.
The update servers are getting overloaded so I recommend doing a manual install (more likely to wipe files and programs but I can verify this works)

Download this file, write it to a fat32 micro sd then get into the recovery menu (menu and vol + I think), choose update from zip... Leave it for a bit and it should work

If it doesn't work clear the cache etc... (from the recovery menu)

You can find your registration code at Settings-about device-certificate. It's a very long number (I personally just took a screenshot and put it in my dropbox)

Hope this helps,
On a second thought Richardo!!
Instead of using 2.1.1568 firmware can I make use of the already downloaded and existing 2.1.1561 firmware wich is stored on the Status bar of my SuperPad device??

And how to proceed if I chose this method??
Hi Richardo!!
First of all I want to thank you for the instructions.

Have already downloaded Titanium Back up 3.6.2. apk and saved it. Shall I cut/paste it on my SD card, and open it on my APad screen.
In order to proceed with my Programs back up??

My files are all on my SD card do I need to save them on a Dropbox??Please explain to mewhat you mean by dropbox??

Have already downloaded deb-r 2.1.1568 zip file and unzipped it with unrar. Should I go ahead and write only the zipped "update" contents
without unzipping them on the SD card after having formated to fat32. Which I suppose will have to be clean. By the way is this firmware the
same as deb-r 2.1.1561. And before doing all these should I clear the already existing 2.1.1561 firmware update which I downloaded
and is stored on my Staus bar.

Then I will follow the recovery instructions as mentioned on the "read" file and if I fail I will have to clear the cache etc. and eventually loose
all my existing programs and files in which case I will need to know my Register Code which unfortunately I was not able to trace in the
-about device- section of my System settings. (Most of the folders such as Status,Legal info,Model Nbr, Firmware -Kernell version, Buils Nbr,
Certification) are empty. Nevertheless I have already applied to my seller and he promised to supply to me.

By the way by "Drop Box" do you mean the Gallery because all Print shots are stored there.
I will wait your further clarifications in order to proceed .
Your help is greatly appreciated.

You can download it from the google marketplace but you need root to run it
The do menu-batch process-backup all apps and user data. This will then save all this to a directory called titanium backup on your sd card. Back this up on your computer etc
Dropbox is a program for android/windows/osx etc which sends the files you put into the dropbox to their server where they can be downloaded via the internet/the program.

You *do not* unzip the file I linked you to.

I hope this answers your questions?

I think the 1561 and 1568 updates are the same btw but I can confirm the 1568 update does work using the method I outlined above.

I think, no matter what method you choose, you will need to find your registration code to continue to update your device etc....

Hope this helps,

Sent from my Wowpad (Flytouch II) using the Android Tablet Forum App
nice after 3 trys to download the update it finally worked!!!

Hi Guys,

I tried all the combinations given in the thread here for getting to the android recovery menu but no luck.

Can anyone please help on the exact steps to get there, I am having an infotmic based 10.2 wow pad with 1170 patch.

Can anyone please help on the exact steps to get there, I am having an infotmic based 10.2 wow pad with 1170 patch.

I hold down the Menu button, then press power (while still holding menu). I release power when starts up and continue holding menu. When it gets to the green screen recovery menu appears.
I have tried every form of button pressing listed in this thread and still can't get to the recovery screen. There seems to be a wide variation of methods. But thanks to all those who have suggested solutions.
That is correct Alasdair.

Further, while trying one of the option I am getting a blank screen with some hexadecimal characters(i guess that is what they are) and a message saying
system will boot in Xs.....

Any thoughts on this message....
Hi Richardo!!
In meantime I did a homework proceeding with a download of Dropbox 1.0.10 which is now installed on my WXP.
I tried to do the same thing for my Android Superpad but I could not find it. Do I need it???
Furthermore I have on my PC desktop the following:
Dropbox for Android APK file 1.35 MB, Titanium Backup 3.6.2 apk file 1.534 KB and deb-r 2.1.568
Also I have obtained a cable with 2 USB A Male jacks on both ends to connect my PC with the APad for root..
But I dont know if I can proceed with both machines running or closed??
Also I need to know if I can use my Adapter to copy and paste the above files onto my Micro SD Card,
I mean the Dropbox Andoid APK file, Titanium Backup 3.6.2 apk file and deb-r 2.1.1568
and then take the SD Card and place it on Apad slot in order to install manually.
I presume I will have to backup my files first thru Dropbox and then start the update
but I am totally confused for how to do it.
Tha Reg code Number is still pending...But I want to be ready until then.
I am depending on your valuable knowledgw for guidance. Am totally new to these skills.
Thanks a lot again.
And something else that I forgot to ask you.
What about update deb-r 2.1.1561 which I downloaded and I keep it pending on my status Bar next to Home button
with an exclkamation Mark,
When I drag and drop it onto my APad screen it gives the option to view or clear.
Should I first clear it and then proceed with the rest because I am afraid risking to confuse the system.
Just copy onto the SD card from your computer and you should be fine.
To transfer onto tablet you will need to root device (it may run from SD card but not sure on this).
The update on my tablet was in the /local folder
Hi John!!
What do you mean by local folder !!
Because my update deb-r 2.1.1561 after download is now stored with an exclamation mark (!)on the left corner
of my Status Bar next to the Hub button.
When I drag and drop it on my APad screen a notification opens about the existence of the file
and gives me the option to view or to clear.
Did you face the same thing and how did you proceeded.
Thanks a lot.
Thx both it sounds easy :) But why firmware 1568, is it because I can update/downgrade to 1561 or is 1568 just a better update?

Hello Danish
I have the same problem. I can´t force it to boot opdating. Did you solve the problem with booting? Regards