My current screen:


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Finally my first screenshot with CM7.My favourite app is -SHoot Me-
Thanks to this app I was able to take this screenshot .
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Got 1 here

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Got 1 here

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I notice you are from MS, but its amazing how much that picture reminds me of a couple places on the WA coast. America is a beautiful country.

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I'm almost set ,no need to take this CM7 card out of my nook : I got B&N app with all my magazines subscriptions, my books , my coffee...no need to go back to stock!
Great to see you here Moshe.

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@Tom T, that pic I took at a paper mill outside Brunswick, ME. My wife and I own a small trucking company and we drove ourselves for 9 years all over the country. Now we have drivers and we travel in our motor home. My trusty Nikon D70 goes everywhere we go and I love to take pictures. I have lots of southwest pictures and pics from washington state that make great backgrounds/ wallpaper. Anyone who would like some pics can PM me here and I can set up xfers.

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Thanks, Gloria. Good to finally get screenshots working.Some of the cm7 nightlies were preventing shootme from working.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Hey, I haven't gotten a screen-shot to work ever. I tried The "Idon'tknow" method, no luck; so I don't know either.

Maybe I should try an app. I'll try Moshe's "ShootMe"if that's an app; or is it a request ?

I just posted this in another thread...

Theres a screenshot app built in to CM nightly #123
It's in the power menu (long press on power button)

Hope that helps!
Hey, I haven't gotten a screen-shot to work ever. I tried The "Idon'tknow" method, no luck; so I don't know either.

Maybe I should try an app. I'll try Moshe's "ShootMe"if that's an app; or is it a request ?


From my point of view its a app, you may want to get Moshe's point of view though.
@1hen2ducks, it's an app, I have been shot and found I hated the experience. I have cm7 7.1rc1 installed and the shootme app works well, had not checked out the screenshot app within cm7. Thought I would post 1 more...

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Moshe, every time you have a new screen, post it, I want to see them al! And this is my last, with my favorite browser, the boat mini and my favorite keyboard, Slide It Keyboard and the Nook color app.
I'be been trying also this new launcher, the circle launcher.

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