Spider,you are talking like you didn't get the nook Tablet for Christmas!

I still haven't picked one up yet. Depends on what new tablets get announced and what's going on with regard to the locked bootloader etc. There's no pressure to run out and get something, so I'm just enjoying the anticipation.:cool:
I don't believe you......you upset your wife with that Christmas three, so no more present for you !

Samsung Galaxy Note
I don't believe you......you upset your wife with that Christmas three, so no more present for you!

She's so stunned I took advantage of the 50° weather and got the outside decorations put away before April/May this year that she hasn't noticed the other things I've been up to.:rolleyes: Diversionary tactics do work in both love and war.:cool:
A fresh one! Don't make me angry! You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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A little dead in here! One on a smooth Sunday afternoon. Listening to some smooth jazz!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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Everybody was busy rooting for the Ravens and the Niners. For all the good that did.:cool:

It was a split decision for me, I had the Patriots but really wanted a 49ers win. Patriots vs Giants wasn't really the Super Bowl Matchup I was looking forward to, but like everyone says these days I can at least enjoy the commercials. Plus can always get the Chevy app and win a vet...

Sent from a Gibson using Tapatalk - heavy metal edition
It was a split decision for me, I had the Patriots but really wanted a 49ers win. Patriots vs Giants wasn't really the Super Bowl Matchup I was looking forward to, but like everyone says these days I can at least enjoy the commercials. Plus can always get the Chevy app and win a vet...

Sent from a Gibson using Tapatalk - heavy metal edition

Did not know about this! May be they would let me have a new Tahoe instead.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
I guess they are giving away 20 different vehicles during the Superbowl.

Sent from a Gibson using Tapatalk - heavy metal edition
it's so hot here, I feel like colors!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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