Livesuite Root via Steev


Feb 6, 2014
Heya guys, I used the guide I found on the site to root my Coby Kudos 9742 via Steevs guide. It worked but it's very slow and for the most part worthless. I later read that I can't use Rom manager to try and use a different Rom. What are my options here guys? I'm a noon to the whole rooting thing and just hope I'm not stuck with what seems to be a broken os.
There's not much you can do because you used LiveSuite, which hasn't been supported here in over a year. All of the custom ROMs require a custom recovery, and the software required to install the custom recovery does not play nice with LiveSuite-modified tablets. If you're willing to risk bricking your tablet you can try installing the custom recovery for the 9742 then the Mobiz v.2 ROM, which is the one I use.

I've already sent you a PM regarding links, but that doesn't explain how you could possibly find one and not bother to read the sticky posts at the top of the development forum first. You also are extremely lucky in that you have an original model 9742. Subsequent hardware revisions rendered that ROM useless, and that is partly why the links were removed.

If the link is outside, I can't do anything about that.
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I did the same thing. Once I did the livesuit thing, I scrolled down a little more on google and saw the mobiz v.2 ROM.


Fixed most of my original issues through the use of search and reading almost every post I could on here about my device. The only issue I'm having right now is the inverted axis and not actually being able to get on the play store. I think I've found a post to fix the inverted axis, but not sure at the moment. Any help is appreciated.
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