Market on 2.2 Sylvania/Disco - Work In Progress

Edit this into your build.prop

ro.product.model=HTC Vision

You're just gonna change these parts: = ? ro.product.brand = ? = ? ro.product.device = ?

Now, if you already have a working market, and do these edits it WILL mess it up. So its best to back up all your apps and settings and reflash the dg2.20 update to start from scratch. Im currently at work so cant upload my build.prop but if u make the changes listed above your build.prop should be good to go!
Now, time to see why I cant get flash 10.3 to install, and figure out how to get netflix working....
We really need to get a recovery for this tab, so we can get some roms cooking! :)
K, im home now, gonna reflash my dg2.20 update, re-root, edit my build prop, re-install my gapps then upload my build.prop to dropbox for ya :)

I installed the build.prop, and made a back up of the old one...then rebooted..but can not install flash 10.3 or any flash. Netflix tells me it is not setup for this model? now what? Like I said, simple directions please. Does this tab now think its a HTC Vision? Because its not acting like it? Should re-flash my DG2.20 and then re-root and all the fun stuff?
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Is the market working for you? That was the point of my edits, just to get the market running right. Now im currently working on installing flash 10.3, which I believe is a gb app, and getting netflix running. :)
No I havent gotten Market working.....I cant follow all the goble-dee gook that has been chatted about here about it. Should I just try and get a market.apk and see if that works?
I too would like to get Netflix to work. So any help is welcome.

Update: Installed, installed fine, but running the app, it says "loading" then stops.
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Lol, you need to get the gapps from the original post in this thread, extract the files and place on your sd card, use root explorer to move them to /system/app
Then open up a get a terminal emulator installed on your tab. Type su to get super user powers, then the you need to fix the permissions of the apps you put in /system/app
This is done by doing thr following:
Type: chown root.root *.apk <-, where *.apk = thr name of the apk
Hit enter
Type: chown 644 *.apk <-- where *.apk = the name of the apk
Hit enter
Do this for all the apps you are trying to install, then when youre all done type reboot then hit enter :)
Thank you...will try to find the gapps now...

Ok tried all that with an emulator, in SU, chown root.root GoogleBackupTransport.apk I get "no such file or directory" Im not getting it.
I guess I dont seem to be able to get the dir to change to the root and apps dir...
Cant I change permissions using Root Explorer? I can change the permissions to User: Read,Write,Execute Group: Read Others: Read This is 644 right?

ooops I may have that 644 rw-r--r-- ?
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Sorry, forgot 1 thing LOL, after you type Su then hit enter type cd /system/app then hit enter, then do the chown stuff
OK I guess I either need a good link to the Gapps and/or a list of what .apk need to be put in the /apps folder....Im getting no where. But I did get the permissions thingy working. Thanks. I'm off to bed.
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Working on simplifying and perfecting the process of getting the market working right. Bear with me here....
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