MediaTab - Android 2.3 Tablet Capacitive Screen - Won't boot


May 24, 2012

MediaTab - Android 2.3 Tablet Capacitive Screen

model number EM73_SIS_ALL
kernal version
build number EMS_SIS_ALL 20110923
IMEI 51718101891000
IMEI SV Unknown

- CPU Processor Speed: Telechips TCC8803 1.2 GHz Cortex
- Memory/RAM: 512MB DDR
- Internal Memory/ROM: 4GB
- External Memory: Micro SD Card up to 32GB (Installed 32GB)

(Is that too much info?)

I have only had this unit for a week having bought it locally but over the net with online shopping. 32GB card bought at same time.

I was playing around with the wifi settings and because I was not having access to a wifi in my immediate area it came back with an error message so I pressed the round silver button that had previously been set to go back to home page and suddenly the Tablet switched itself off.

I tried pressing the on button on the right side of screen next to the dc in socket but nothing happened. I then tried using the hard reset button on the back of the unit and noticed a flash of light from the screen then it went out but then the green Android robot showed on the screen for like 15 seconds then the blue lettering with 'Android' came on screen with 3 sweeps of a light blue color swept over the lettering then the screen went black again. Later on I checked out what the flash of light was from the screen only to notice it was the home page coming up for 2 seconds then turning off again.

How can I successfully reset the tablet without the hassle of returning to the seller?

Thank you.:confused:
Problem solved. I returned it to retailer who confirmed its non functionality and issued a brand new one.

- John