This is my conversation with merimobiles few minutes ago:

Please wait for the next available representative…
Stefano: hi
You are next in queue. We will be with you in just a moment.
Stefano: Order#: 46##
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: how can i help you
Stefano: you posted the package to the wrong person
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: let me veify
Stefano: me you answered on PayPal
Stefano: dhl tracking number 9973###### (the fourth)...wrong
Stefano: I have buy and pay 6 sept
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: ok
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: wait a minute
Stefano: what you posted in package ship in Turin?
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: ok
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: we have order# 47##
Stefano: no
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: which the person name is renato
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: renato ### via #### barone ####, torino 10010 Italy +3934######
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: Ste## ##### Via ####### Genova, Liguria 16156 Italy +3934######
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: so you are Ste## ##### Via ####### Genova, Liguria 16156 Italy +3934######
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: rihgt
Stefano: Ste## ##### Via ####### Genova, Liguria 16156 Italy +3934######
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: ok i understand now
Stefano: my order is Order#: 46##
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: ok
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: i understand now
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: i send you the track for the other guy
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: yours is
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: 997#######
Stefano: now tells me that the order was wrong?
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: sorry about that
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: my mistake the whole time
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: no
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: i just send you the track#
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: to another guy close to you in italy
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: 997######
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: check it
Stefano: yes, I have see
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: Waybill: 997###### Arrived at Sort Facility LEIPZIG - GERMANY Sign up for shipment notificationsExternal Link / New Window Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 15:37 Origin Service Area: HONG KONG - HONG KONG Destination Service Area: GENOA - ITALY
Stefano: yes yes
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: ok sorry about that
Stefano: you've had some problems with orders seems
Stefano: :)
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: yes
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: with the long holiday
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: some packages were delayed
Stefano: What happened? so many people in the forums if it asks
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: well some of the witstech components were out of stock
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: exemple we got them with missing batteries and stuff like that
Stefano: But if you send your package then everything is okay
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: + the holiday
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: so we got some bad delays
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: im very mad because of that
Stefano: I understand
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: as we have a good reputation
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: but it left many customers unhappy
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: which im not happy about
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: i will make sure it do not happen again
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: i hope that you can close the dispute now that you have the right tracking number
Stefano: yes, I'll write on the forum that I attend
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: and that we can resolve this in a friendly manner
Stefano: that all ended well
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: thanks
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: please close the dispute
Stefano: yes, absolutely
Stefano: Sorry for the problems we were
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: no problem
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: than you
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: thank you
Stefano: I'll put others aware
Stefano: and close imediately the dispute
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: let me know once you closed it
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: thanks
Stefano: ok, see you. Good luck.
Stefano: tonight close the dispute (in Italy now 7.31 PM)
Merimobiles Customer Service Team: thank you
Stefano: bye

You understand?
merimobiles has had many problems in the last month but I think it is doing everything possible to recover time. I did not believe possible but my package is coming (I hope tomorrow is in Germany).
and I will close the paypal dispute
I will keep you up-to-date

I do know this sounds bad, but if I ran the store that I work for even 1/2 as bad of customer service as we have received, I would have lost my job by now and been well replaced by someone more sutible for the job.

The confusion with tracking numbers should NEVER happen in a business like this, let alone giving out others package information in place of our own. I can honestly say that I will never order from here again!

Sent from an unknown destination from my droid using teh intarnetz!
The package arrived the day after this post (Friday 9/24/10) via UPS. The DHL tracking number wasn't valid. It was shipped via UPS. 28 days from order till arrival.

Now my Witstech A81E tablet has arrived, I like how it works so far. It seems to have a few quirks in some places (i.e. it shows a phone icon yet there is no phone/cell function on the device), but I think it is because they are adapting the Android phone OS to a tablet.

My experience with and Philip. Just the facts - I will let y'all decide if they are someone you want to do business with.

8/27: Ordered a Witstech A81E with all the upgrades (GPS, extra battery, car mount).
8/31: Email from Philip that it has shipped with a FedEx tracking number. According to FedEx it was being shipped out of Dorval, QC, Canada.
9/1: Email from Philip telling me my battery and car mount shipped separately, ETA 10 days.
9/1: FedEx website reports "Clearance Delays".
~9/10: Car mount and battery arrive via USPS from Hong Kong.
9/13: FedEx website reports "Unable to deliver shipment, return to shipper".
9/13: A call to FedEx (Shawn George - 877-602-1166 x3091) told me US Customs has questions about its declared value, refused entry and FedEx is sending it back to the shipper.
9/13: Emailed Philip asking what is going on.
9/14: A few entries on FedEx website: On FedEx vehicle for delivery, Delivery exception, Incorrect address - Recipient moved, Delivered, Delivered to recipient at FedEx Facility. All while in Dorval, QC, Canada (suppose to be delivered to Flagstaff, AZ, USA).
9/14: Email from Philip telling me is was blocked at customs, will ship another tomorrow and this happens to less then 1% of orders.
9/16: Emailed Philip asking for tracking number
9/16: Email from Philip saying when reshipped will provide tracking number and the are using a different shipping courier.
9/20: Emailed Philip asking if the item has been reshipped. I also stated "I am considering cancelling and ordering somewhere else."
9/20: Email from Philip saying it has been reshipped, ETA is Wed/Thur and a DHL "Tracking Number".
9/20: Checked DHL website with "Tracking Number". Number wasn't tracking number by "Shipper Reference". Status: Shipment information received - Location: Hong Kong
9/21-9/23: Checked DHL website - still "Shipment information received" status.
9/23: Called DHL. DHL says a shipping label has been generated but the package hasn't been picked up yet.
9/23: Emailed Philip stating what I know so far, asking how he is going to remedy this and "I await your response before I decide to cancel my order or not".

My Opinion:

The Good: Philip has been responsive, understanding and polite to my emails.
The Bad: Almost a month and no product.

In short - Philip/ seem nice, are responsive to emails and have good prices, but I am still waiting for my product.

I hope my story is the exception and not normal.
I finally shipped back my bricked APAD this morning. I ended up paying $34.67 out of my own pocket - which Phillip says i'd be given credit for. I've heard about a week-long national holiday in China. I just hope since i provided a tracking number in an email update this morning to Merimobiles support, that i'll be sent a new device before the holiday begins. Otherwise it would really show bad judgment on their part. I've even known some companies that will mail you a second device while you still have the first. Then you just return the first defective device back after you get the working one. They're probably losing customers left and right from this thread. I'm keeping my fingers crossed still - but the grip is becoming looser and looser...
The package arrived the day after this post (Friday 9/24/10) via UPS. The DHL tracking number wasn't valid. It was shipped via UPS. 28 days from order till arrival.

Now my Witstech A81E tablet has arrived, I like how it works so far. It seems to have a few quirks in some places (i.e. it shows a phone icon yet there is no phone/cell function on the device), but I think it is because they are adapting the Android phone OS to a tablet.

Congrats! Finally a success story - sorta!
Hi. First time poster.

I honestly hate Merimobiles at this point. I ordered my Witstech A81E on Sept. 6th to get it on Sept. 29th. Not only that, but what sits next to me is a brick. The tablet is dead, power button does nothing, going battery or AC does nothing...nothing does anything. Completely dead unit.

Also, the box it was shipped in was abyssal at best. The retail box was covered in pieces of cardboard and tape, taped in the form of a box around it. The side was literally pieces of cardboard scrap stuck on a sheet of tape. The top of the retail box has been cut open roughly with what I can only imagine was a dull knife, more or less destroying the box and making it useless to store/ship in.

I'm not getting a replacement, I'm getting a refund. This is absolutely unacceptable, theres no way I want these people to get my money at this point. I'll be getting a full refund and buying a Witstech somewhere else.

The service is horrible. The units defective. The shipping long. Do not buy from Merimobiles.

EDIT: Can someone give me this "Philip"s email? I want to get my refund ASAP. I want a tablet, not a headache.
Last edited:
Hi. First time poster.

EDIT: Can someone give me this "Philip"s email? I want to get my refund ASAP. I want a tablet, not a headache.

Simplest is to send to Phillip appears to be the primary responder to all visible threads here and other sites.

My opinion is you will likely be sent to their site to follow their "directions" for refund or repair.

Best of Luck
Geezz, I always thought merimobiles would be the choice to purchase pads... Isn't there any site in this world that check their devices before sending out???

I bought a batch 1 apad locally because of all the "dead" devices that people tend to received from their online purchase....

Now I am stuck with Android1.5 and small screen youtube...
Some users have had good experiences. Some have not. The issue may not necessarily be just Merimobiles. There can be other variables such as QA of the devices delivered to them. MP4Nation is having the same issues.

The more popular units seem to be having a higher than what would be desired failure rate. The real issue is something I stated in a prior thread. Welcome to the blood of the Bleeding edge. There are Chinese manufacturers trying to turn out units before good QA has been applied at the factory. We as users experience that poor quality, and then when it hits the vendor. They rightly or unrightly take the hit.

But that is just my opinion. I can say from a prior evaluation of units. There is a real problem with quality on almost all units. The Firmware is half baked, The chips die, Cameras mis-aligned.... and so on
Some users have had good experiences. Some have not. The issue may not necessarily be just Merimobiles. There can be other variables such as QA of the devices delivered to them. MP4Nation is having the same issues.

The more popular units seem to be having a higher than what would be desired failure rate. The real issue is something I stated in a prior thread. Welcome to the blood of the Bleeding edge. There are Chinese manufacturers trying to turn out units before good QA has been applied at the factory. We as users experience that poor quality, and then when it hits the vendor. They rightly or unrightly take the hit.

But that is just my opinion. I can say from a prior evaluation of units. There is a real problem with quality on almost all units. The Firmware is half baked, The chips die, Cameras mis-aligned.... and so on
You are completely correct. We shouldn't blame sellers based on the suppliers that built them. I'm sure they have little or no control over that in fact. But, we can hold them accountable for customer service issues such as giving out incorrect tracking numbers or posting miscorrect information on their website, among other issues. Also, even though they might have no part in the assembly, they still have to stand behind the product simply because they are the ones selling it. If they really have an issue with whomever is putting the tablets together, they can find another supplier. A successful business relies on customer satisfaction no matter how big or small the business may be.

Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using Tapatalk
ok then, both well thought out comments. now, we need to find which seller has better customer service then...
My experience so far with Merimobiles has been a mixed bag of fun. I ordered 9/10/2010, Wits a81e with spare battery, gps, carmount, basically everything I could for it. Because it was a Friday, first business day was Monday. On Thursday ((9/16/2010) 4th business day), I emailed the support asking for a tracking # for the package and received and email back within 45 minutes saying there was a delay with not having the carmount in, they offer me an 8gb card as an apology for the delay. Today, now very frustrated that I have not heard anything, I emailed basically saying that if it was not shipped by Wednesday, I would be cancelling my order. You would think that I just smacked Philip's wife and stole his kids sucker. He was highly offended and basically stated we dont live in a perfect world, ect.. I mailed him back saying that I would wait until wed. to cancel my order, and if there was anything I could do to speed up getting this shipped (Including removing the carmount) to please let me know. I have yet to hear a reply for this, but, as you can tell I am highly frustrated ATM with merimobiles. but, at least they do reply within decent time to emails.
You are completely correct. We shouldn't blame sellers based on the suppliers that built them. I'm sure they have little or no control over that in fact. But, we can hold them accountable for customer service issues such as giving out incorrect tracking numbers or posting miscorrect information on their website, among other issues. Also, even though they might have no part in the assembly, they still have to stand behind the product simply because they are the ones selling it. If they really have an issue with whomever is putting the tablets together, they can find another supplier. A successful business relies on customer satisfaction no matter how big or small the business may be.

Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using Tapatalk

This is 100% correct. There is no excuse for misleading anyone into thinking that their items have shipped, only to give them an incorrect tracking #, then send another tracking number that is correct (apparently this may take up to 4 times in some cases). I have yet to see my tablet after 17 days (again, longer in some situations), when it is clearly printed a 5-8 business day shipping policy when you choose "express shipping". So via my math, the average time from purchase to arrival should be 7-12 days based on when you order. With "missing" parts, wouldn't you start questioning your supplier?

a.) why are items not being marked as back ordered on their site?
b.) They say they have a 90% on time shipping, does this seem lacking to anyone else?

sorry about the ranting, I am just annoyed beyond belief at my situation like others!
Good luck with anything at this point. For one week I doubt we'll hear anything from merimobiles since their holiday begins. In my calculation, they still have one business day still. I wonder why they can't just ship me a new device while the one I sent back - with tracking number - is in tranist. I wonder if they'll even remember any of this when they return next week. If I have to remind them I think I will be forced to fight for a refund. Sigh, that'll be another tought cookie.

Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using Tapatalk