MID7024 "Official" and Custom ROMs

It's a hard brick good thing there's a fix now.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024

I've actually had that happen a few times when trying to flash different firmwares (power off after "Upgrade system activated"). I'm lucky it didn't brick me.

The reason it happened to me was because I was holding down the power button for too long and forcing my tablet to power off.
I'm not sure if that's why it happened to you, but it could be.

So now what I do when upgrading to a new firmware is this:
Press and hold down the Home button
Hold the power button just long enough to power on, you don't have to keep it held.

I'm sorry you bricked :(
Please let us know if that unbrick guide works for you.
Flxmrs! I need your help! I installed in my 7024's ROM v2 Kyros. It is great by the way and I liked it a lot. But the 3G does not want to connect. When I used the Rom Coby, worked. I use a Huawei e173. Can you help me with something?

See ya.
Flxmrs! I need your help! I installed in my 7024's ROM v2 Kyros. It is great by the way and I liked it a lot. But the 3G does not want to connect. When I used the Rom Coby, worked. I use a Huawei e173. Can you help me with something?

See ya.

I'm no longer using that firmware better to upgrade to evolution mod of steeve. Gingerbread is better with longer battery time even if using overclock CPU, Bluetooth, 3g etc.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024 - Genesis rom
I'm new here, but have been following this thread with interest for a few weeks, and have nothing but admiration for the amount of work, the discoveries, and all the progress you all have made... thank you for everything you've done, you guys are amazing!!

Steev, the file that you wrote for rooting the 7024 OFW was such a great help, it made rooting my MID7024 so easy, thanks sooo much!

I was wondering if you could do the same with your utscript.sh - that is, write one for the MID7024 OFW? I have been trying nonstop for a couple of weeks now, using the methods and files listed on this site, to increase the internal memory on my 8GB card, but no matter what I do it's a no-go. A simple drop-in file (like the one you wrote for rooting the OFW) would be such a BIG help for those of us who are unable to write our own. Please, please, could you/would you be so kind as to help?

Also, just FYI, the EVO mod also hard bricked my 7024 (won't boot, just soft key lights)! It didn't seem to be the method (I have installed/uninstalled other mods without issues); perhaps it is the particular board version (mine does not say 7025 like some, but says 7024). Anyway, for those who have had this happen, I was able to un-brick it using the information found here:


NOTE: BEFORE you go to the trouble of opening the case or shorting pins, try updating with the external sd card inserted (formatted and written with the files as detailed in the above link). It fixed my brick without any of the other procedures necessary!
I'm no longer using that firmware better to upgrade to evolution mod of steeve. Gingerbread is better with longer battery time even if using overclock CPU, Bluetooth, 3g etc.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024 - Genesis rom
Which rom is better? The "evolution mod v1" or "evolution mod v2"? What are you using?

Thank you.
NOTE: BEFORE you go to the trouble of opening the case or shorting pins, try updating with the external sd card inserted (formatted and written with the files as detailed in the above link). It fixed my brick without any of the other procedures necessary!

Hmm, interesting... Maybe it means that you have a different board and that's why it got bricked with EVO mod? What other ROMs have you used with success?
Are you talking about this? Sure, I can make one for 7024 OFW.

I'm not sure why some people are getting hard bricks from my Evo mod ROM.
Maybe it's the overclock u-boot.bin? I think it is safest to use the u-boot.bin and utscript from the stock Coby fw.

The only big change in evolution mod v2 is it fixes loading of the usb ethernet/3g modules.
Other than that they are almost the same.
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Are you talking about this? Sure, I can make one for 7024 OFW.

I'm not sure why some people are getting hard bricks from my Evo mod ROM.
Maybe it's the overclock u-boot.bin? I think it is safest to use the u-boot.bin and utscript from the stock Coby fw.

The only big change in evolution mod v2 is it fixes loading of the usb ethernet/3g modules.
Other than that they are almost the same.
Ok I will update to v2. I downloaded the files. How do I install? Just extract the files and leave the way they are? What about the file you posted, the "utscript.zip" I can put it in place of the v2? Thank you.
Are you talking about this? Sure, I can make one for 7024 OFW.

I'm not sure why some people are getting hard bricks from my Evo mod ROM.
Maybe it's the overclock u-boot.bin? I think it is safest to use the u-boot.bin and utscript from the stock Coby fw.

The only big change in evolution mod v2 is it fixes loading of the usb ethernet/3g modules.
Other than that they are almost the same.

@ Steev

If I'm understanding what it does correctly - gives 1.5GB internal storage memory, the proper partitioning (for 8GB card), and the rest of the space for sdcard - then yes, thats it! It would be wonderful if you could put this up for the 7024 OFW; thank you! :)


Yes, I think that some of us w/ MID7024's have a different board; some have mentioned in this thread and others that their 7024s when opened up, actually say 7025 on them; mine says 7024. As far as other mods I have tried; not many, but have tried all of the ones that have been posted in this thread thus far except steev's evo1. None have caused any problems except the evo2. No idea at all as to why, I'll leave that to those more well-versed as I am no expert in these things.

EDIT: Just opened it up and looked at the board again; what it says is MID7024 - V6
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Ok I will update to v2. I downloaded the files. How do I install? Just extract the files and leave the way they are? What about the file you posted, the "utscript.zip" I can put it in place of the v2? Thank you.

Just extract the files to your external sd card and boot using the HOME + power button.

If you don't want overclocking, take the files "utscript" and "u-boot.bin" from the official Coby rom and replace them on the SD card. (possibly safer)

If you want larger storage for applications, you can replace utscript.sh with the one in my utscript.zip
Just extract the files to your external sd card and boot using the HOME + power button.

If you don't want overclocking, take the files "utscript" and "u-boot.bin" from the official Coby rom and replace them on the SD card. (possibly safer)

If you want larger storage for applications, you can replace utscript.sh with the one in my utscript.zip

So I extracted the files and changed the "utscript.sh" But it happened:

The tablet called. But it's all wrong. The LEDs are lit all the time, no button works, the screen is at the wrong angle.

I ended up returning to the official ROM. You know what happened?

Can I upgrade without changing the "utscript.sh"? It will work without any problem?

Thank you.
So I extracted the files and changed the "utscript.sh" But it happened:

The tablet called. But it's all wrong. The LEDs are lit all the time, no button works, the screen is at the wrong angle.

I ended up returning to the official ROM. You know what happened?

Can I upgrade without changing the "utscript.sh"? It will work without any problem?

Thank you.

Sorry, I really have no idea.

You can try reflashing without changing the utscript.sh, but I don't know if it will help at all.

My guess is that your Kyros has a different board than mine.
I'll have to pop mine open some time to see which board mine has.
Sorry, I really have no idea.

You can try reflashing without changing the utscript.sh, but I don't know if it will help at all.

My guess is that your Kyros has a different board than mine.
I'll have to pop mine open some time to see which board mine has.


This is interesting; So now I am wondering if the utscript.sh mod will be possible on the 7024 OFW after all, due to possible board differences that seem to be popping up. If you are still willing to write one though, I'd be willing to test it...