MID7024 "Official" and Custom ROMs

Thanks, now if mine starts acting weird like that I'll know to replace the internal sd

Maybe not... Just update your utscript.sh to write zeros to the whole card (or at least the first MB)...
Personally, I realized that when I connect with 3G, some applications do not work. The Market is one of them, even though I was connected to the internet, he says there is no connection. Anyone know why?
Hi which rom did you install? with skype video working... Does bluetooth work? with a dongle I mean.
Volume button is working I'm using it right now. The only thing I hate is the small keyboard.

HDMI is working I just use it to watch a 720p movie. Wifi signal is great I'm getting 54mbps connection at my wifi router.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024

Which Rom is this? Tried to figure it out reading through the thread but got lost... It sounds awesome could you send me the link please
Maybe not... Just update your utscript.sh to write zeros to the whole card (or at least the first MB)...

It already erases the partition table with the fdisk 'o' option.
And the newer versions also zero out the MBR.

I'm thinking Scrawler's internal sd was just going bad from too many writes.

I think in the next version I will modify the utscript.sh to write all errors to a log.txt on the external sdcard so we can see if there was an error installing.
It already erases the partition table with the fdisk 'o' option.
And the newer versions also zero out the MBR.

I'm thinking Scrawler's internal sd was just going bad from too many writes.

I think in the next version I will modify the utscript.sh to write all errors to a log.txt on the external sdcard so we can see if there was an error installing.

I think maybe just zeroing MBR isn't enough... From the original Herotab tablet, they stress the fact that one must do a full erase of the card for it to work.

Anyway, logging to a text file would be awesome. ;)
One thing I noticed about the stock Coby MBR is the first partition starts at like a 68076s (about 33.24 MiB) offset. Does anyone know why that is? I'm guessing that space is used as an embedding area for the bootloader and kernels on SD-only systems?

Maybe to be safe I should zero of the first 68076 sectors and create my partitions at offset 68076
The Evo Rom is great. Is there any way to adjust the accelerometer. It seems like its off by about 90 degrees when I play any games.
The Evo Rom is great. Is there any way to adjust the accelerometer. It seems like its off by about 90 degrees when I play any games.

Just a guess.

In init.smdkv210.rc there is a line "setprop au.ui.rotate180 true"

Try changing it to false

Thank u Steev! I've installed it and everything works great! Apps that didn't work before now work like a charm, bluetooth, hardware buttons, hdmi everything! Thank u! By The way, I can confirm video working on skype!

P.S. The only thing that caught my attention was that when I installed Heywire it recognized an existing acount, not mine obviously jeje it belongs to who ever is the owner of the email acount (newroots.jp@gmail.com)... Any idea of how to unlink it?
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Just a guess.

In init.smdkv210.rc there is a line "setprop au.ui.rotate180 true"

Try changing it to false

Thanks it was a good guess but it didn't work. I still have to hold the game in portrait mode when the game is landscape.