MIUI Gingerbread 2.3.7 for the Le Pan 1 TC970 enters Alpha testing


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2012
EDIT : please see post #6 below for Alpha 1 details and download link... :)

And when it rains, it pours! :)

We had no luck, no hope of getting Le Pan / Matsunichi to deliver a better operating system for the Le Pan TC970, aka Le Pan 1 tablets.Now that we have the CyanogenMod 7 project going, and improving by the day, it seems we will soon have another alternative for all LP1 owners.

This was posted tonight at LePanLife, by dbaybay. He's the developer working on a port of the MIUI Gingerbread 2.3.7 release to the Le Pan 1. I was honoured to assist by being the official Beta tester, since dbay doesn't have his LP 1 anymore.

So, we work together, I get the files, install and report, produce logcats for debugging, etc. This is our second try, and it booted and was pretty functional. Photos are from my tablet, I was the first person in the planet to run MIUI on a Tc970. :p

dbaybay said:
Hey guys, I am working on porting MIUI 2.3.7 to the Le Pan TC970! Yann has been awesome and is being my personal tester, since I do not have a Le Pan 1 anymore, I am doing some serious "ghost developing", LOL!

Hopefully I'll be able to pick another one up, it would make the process go a lot easier, but I'm not sure I can justify it, so things won't be as fast - but I intend to get MIUI fully working and some custom themes going and maybe some other ROMs down the line. ICS will be coming for the Le Pan 1 after Gingerbread is stabilized.

Anyways, keep your eye on this thread for development. My latest build let's MIUI boot, but not much is working yet. Hopefully in the next few days I'll get wifi and a few other things working so you all can test it out :)




Will keep you posted, we should have another version for testing tomorrow night possibly. ;)

This will be my official MIUI Release thread here, once we have files dbaybay thinks are good for open Beta testing. Coming soon, I hope. :cool:
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Nice to see the progress continues and the developers are picking up on the Le Pan :)
Thanks, J515OP. :)

We worked a lot last night, and dbaybay felt he could release a fist Alpha for public testing. That's the first of 3 I tested last night, and it has a working wifi, generally usable, some things still need work.

But here's the details, for anyone interested - from dbaybay's release thread :


Hey guys, I am working on porting MIUI 2.3.7 to the Le Pan TC970! Yann has been awesome and is being my personal tester, since I do not have a Le Pan 1 anymore, I am doing some serious "ghost developing", LOL!

Hopefully I'll be able to pick another one up, it would make the process go a lot easier, but I'm not sure I can justify it, so things won't be as fast - but I intend to get MIUI fully working and some custom themes going and maybe some other ROMs down the line. ICS will be coming for the Le Pan 1 after Gingerbread is stabilized.



- Working, static IP working, different MAC addresses.
SD Mount - Working, SD Mounts, r/w access.
Screenshots - Working, with app/adb - MIUI screenshots working, but not saving.

Other notes: Lag free, most MIUI apps working fine (except apps dependent on features not implemented yet). Browser works fine, flash is not included at this time.

Not Working:

- Tricky in MIUI as it's built for phones, looking into tablet ROMs to see wuddup :p
GPS - Not working, compass is but glitchy.
Camera - Looking into 4749 Froyo build drivers to port.
Video/Audio - Next thing I'm gonna get too, should be tomorrow.

** Download link: PRE-ALPHA RELEASE **

Installation Notes : Wipe data/cache/dalvik after you backup in CWM. Flash the .zip and reboot. Boot animation is upside down atm, don't mind that. Setup wizard works fine, wifi works fine, sd mount is working - Titanium Backup works if you want to restore any apps.

Any alpha testers, please report back with how it goes.


so, there you go!! :)

Ahh - we got screenshots working too - see a large package of screenshots here.
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esunday, are you referring to wifi speed tests?

I haven't done any, we had some pretty intensive dev work on the Alpha versions, trying to get some things to work, and no time to test it,

Now that dbaybay is getting a LP1, work on this project will be much easier - he can make changes and test locally at any time, without depending on me being around and available for joint work.

We made progress, compared to the Alpha linked here, but we still don't have sound on the speakers yet.
New Version of MIUI released this morning!!

dbaybay said:
Thanks to all of the wonderful members who donated and got a Le Pan TC970 (back) in my hands. Let the fun times begin. Also big thanks to cas_xp for getting a stable CM7 build going for the TC970, it has been a huge help for comparing files, fixes, etc. Hats off!



Wifi - Working well, static IP, etc..
SD Mount - Mount, r/w access

Alpha 1:
SOUND - Tested .mp3/notifications
Screenshots - Hold Menu + Volume Down, saves to SD card.
Rotation - NOT FIXED, but workaround has been achieved. Turn off auto rotation & the screen won't continuously spin around upside down. Screen is still upside down, but stays in place when auto rotation is off.
Themes - Download endless themes from the MIUI theme store.
Modified Black Ice Theme - Non Chinese-Port of ICS theme by me ! (See screenshot below, go to settings > themes & choose Danny's Black Ice)

Other notes: Lag free, most MIUI apps working fine (except apps dependent on features not implemented yet). Browser works fine, etc..

Not Working:
Auto-Rotation - Half-ass fixed, still upside down. Contacted Cas_XP about this as he went through the same thing with CM7.
Video - Next on the list to be looked into.
GPS - Not working.
Camera - Looking into 4749 Froyo build drivers to port.


Notes: Wipe data/cache/dalvik after you backup in CWM. Flash the .zip and reboot. Boot animation is upside down atm, don't mind that, custom one coming later anyways. Titanium Backup works if you want to restore any apps.

More Screenshots ~ Thanks Yann


Hi Guys,

I was wandering if there was any progress on this port?

I just did my Xperia phone to the latest 2.3.7 (The ROM is based on FXP CM9 (Free Xperia Project)) and really love this version.

Now i'm just waiting for the Le Pan version !

Thanks in advance guys,

nomade, there's Good news and Bad news on this project.

The Good News first :

- there's a newer version out, and it adds fixes for sound and other things. It can be found in the Development forum thread for MIUI here. (login required, as Guest accounts cannot see the Development forums. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes)

Now, for the Bad News :

- the upside down screen problem has been a b1tch and dbaybay tried all kids of things, consult developers on the MIUI USA group, other places, no way to get it right side up so far.

Other than that, it's working pretty well.

The TC970 has something odd about the way its screen is wired, was had an upside down ClockWorkMod too until chinabull got around to fixing it. The first beta of CM7 was upside down too, and dbay got the patch that cas_xp used to fix the CM7 port, but no luck using it for the MIUI project. :(