Need Assistance restoring to stock, upgrading to 1.2 for manual nooter and then dual


Jan 14, 2011
I would appreciate help in the direction of the correct threads for doing all this. I have a long 3 day weekend and would like to work on it. I'm not a techie, but it's sure easy to follow your 1,2,3 instructions.

I know there will be at least 3 threads. When I'm finished I will want to keep the 2.1 stock BN os, I use the Read to Me function, rooted, I like access to the market on both OS and dual boot to CM7 stable, no nightlys, don't like to pull out the SD card. I know this is alot to ask, but I thought I'd ask before I get started and end up with a mess. I will be pausing (maybe a day, maybe an hour) after each change, so I can see what they look/act like.

My NC came with S/W 1.1.0 and thats what it's currently showing. It is rooted with I believe is auto nooter 3.0. (where can I check for the auto nooter version?) I run CM7 7.0.3 encore off SD card. I have RM and CWM I don't believe they are installed on the EMMC, cause when I open RM on the NC OS, with no SD card inserted, it tells me, Need SD card.

From reading the forum, I know I'll need some SD cards, for TI backup, CM7 ROM, Rom manager. Is this correct? Can any of these go on the same card? or computer?
In your (some) instructions, when asked to remove/insert SD card from/to NC, it doesn't say weather to turn it off or leave it on. I need help there.

Ok, here goes! This is what I'd like to do:
Restore to stock 1.1
Upgrade to stock 2.1
manual nooter
Dual boot to CM7 stable

Thanks ahead of time, this place is great! Maybe after all this hacking I can start to contribute, lol
[h=2]Restore to stock 1.1: Should I use this thread to get started, since I don't have CWM on the emmc?

(How To) Flash Back to Clean Stock ROM using Stock Nook Color Recovery
Hey, CLS I thought you might have more responses by now. So the first thing you should always do before making any changes is to make a backup! Since you don't have CWM on emmc you will probably want to make a bootable recovery card. In addition to that you will want to use an app such as Titanium Backup to backup all your apps and data.

Titanium Backup and other backup apps can be found in the Market. Find one you like, download it and make a backup.

To create a bootable recovery card you will need a micro Sd card. It doesn't have to be big or fancy so a 1GB or 2GB class 2 card will be fine. Then follow this thread You will want to use ClockworkMod Recovery (CWR) or newer.

Let's get those backups first then we can move on.

Thanks JP, i haven't gotten back to my computer that i have my image program on. Maybe tomorrow afternoon.
Do i need seperate cards, 1 for backup & 1 for CWM?

sent from my Nookcolor
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The 3 days i had sure went by fast. Didn't get anything done until today.
Backed up with. TI, made my CWM sd card, hope it works.

sent from my Nookcolor
Good, backups are always the best way to start. Next is to restore your Nook to stock following this thread.

Make sure you read through it first. You will need to download the stock image file for 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 provided in the link and save that zip file to your bootable CWR SD card. Do not unzip the file, just download it to your PC then copy the zip straight to the CWR SD card. Copy the stock image zip file you chose and then right click the CWR SD card under My Computer and select paste. This should put the stock image zip in the "root" of the SD card which is where you want it.

Then just follow the instructions under ***Make sure your Nook Color is turned off***
Be advised that if you are going to setup a dual boot setup, you are limited in the choice of second OS (the developer has custom built OS's that work with the dual boot).

Secondly, the partitioning will put 4gb for your second OS, and only 1gb for your primary boot.

I found that my NC was running slowly after a few weeks of dual I went through the lengthy process of re-partitioning, and re-setting my NC for another OS.
I made it back to stock 1.0.1 with no problems. Thank you!

Can I get/use the OTA update?, and if not, which thread to up date to NC stock 2.1? I will also be looking for the threads.

I plan to stay 1.0.1 stock for a least tonight. Can I still use my bootable CM7 SD card?
I made it back to stock 1.0.1 with no problems. Thank you!

Can I get/use the OTA update?, and if not, which thread to up date to NC stock 2.1? I will also be looking for the threads.

I plan to stay 1.0.1 stock for a least tonight. Can I still use my bootable CM7 SD card?

Yes, you can use your bootable CM7 SD card :)

To update to B&N 1.2 (the latest which is Android 2.3) just follow the instructions on their website NOOK Color Software Update - Version 1.2.0 - Barnes & Noble.

To summarize you remove your CM7 SD or any other SD card you have in stalled and boot to the stock Nook OS.
Download the 1.2 zip file from the B&N link and save it on your PC. Do not unzip it.
Plug you Nook into the PC with the USB cable.
Move the 1.2 zip file to the root directory of the Nook (not in any folder).
Safely eject the Nook from the PC by right clicking the Nook under My Computer and select eject or going down by the clock and looking for safely remove hardware and eject the Nook.
Unplug the USB cable when told safe to remove.
Tap the power button to put the nook to sleep and wait 5 minutes. At some point inthat time it will install the update.
OK, plans go arye. Stock 1.0.1 was real boring. Updated to 1.2, still boring. Well, I know where I'm headed, Rooted again where I can get my apps back and still run CM7 off SD card. Spider kind of spooked me for running dual boot.
So, tomorrow I'll look into manual nooter w/ gapps.