I tried several times but there is not green box in IUW. As I remember, I changed U0 too. After that it can not connect to pc.
Thank you for your reply. I will continue research...
I found 15 / 15 pin on board, and also TXD2 and RXD2 and GND pins too. There are also TD3 and RXD3, VDD 3.3V too.
Also I found GPSRTC, GPS33 and GPS_RESET too.

By the way when I wanted to use GPS it was stamped in China. That's why I decided to update/upgrade ROM.
GPS_RESET needs more investigation.
If I found out more I'll post...
Thank you again.
Thank you for your reply. I will continue research...
I found 15 / 15 pin on board, and also TXD2 and RXD2 and GND pins too. There are also TD3 and RXD3, VDD 3.3V too.
Also I found GPSRTC, GPS33 and GPS_RESET too.

By the way when I wanted to use GPS it was stamped in China. That's why I decided to update/upgrade ROM.
GPS_RESET needs more investigation.
If I found out more I'll post...
Thank you again.