Newbie Here :-)

Eldon Rey M. Pntino

Junior Member
Sep 10, 2014
Hello everyone I would like to intoduce myself :)

Name: Eldon Ret
Profession: Teacher
Location: Philippines

I hope to learn more about android :) I hope you guys can help me :)

To start with, I would like to ask if you can help me with my tablet's problem... Its been 2months already since it was bricked. The brand is AOC the model is AOC Breeze G7 Mw0733 with rk30 chipset.

I wish to revived it but I cant find its firmware... i have tried flashing random roms with same chipsets but all of them didnt work well...

I wish to hear your help guys.

Thanks and more power.
Welcome to the Forum.

There seems to be firmware available. Seems all the sites are in Spanish.
Try a Google search and you should come up with those sites. Good luck.
Hello Eldon, congratulations on your AOC Breeze and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
I tried many time Googling the FiRMWAre of my device but I had no luck on finding one... It is very frustrating...